Internal Revenue Bulletins  
November 29, 2004

Internal Revenue Bulletin No. 2004-48

Links to Official IRS Bulletin Documents listed below are in the Adobe Acrobat PDF Format, and require the appropriate Acrobat Reader to view and/or print.


Announcement 2004-93(PDF, 78K)
This announcement solicits applications from potential partners to participate in the 2005 IRS Individual e-file Partnership Program. The partnership opportunities are a result of RRA 98, which requires the IRS to receive 80 percent of all returns electronically by 2007. RRA 98 authorized the IRS Commissioner to promote the benefits and encourage the use of e-file services through partnerships with various entities that offer low cost tax preparation and electronic filing of individual income tax returns for qualified taxpayers. Those applicants that are accepted as partners will have a link(s) and description(s) of their services placed on the IRS website at (Partners Page).


Rev. Rul. 2004-105(PDF, 47K)
LIFO; price indexes; department stores. The September 2004 Bureau of Labor Statistics price indexes are accepted for use by department stores employing the retail inventory and last-in, first-out inventory methods for valuing inventories for tax years ended on, or with reference to, September 30, 2004.


Notice 2004-78(PDF, 52K)
Actuarial assumptions; distributions under section 101 of Pension Funding Equity Act of 2004. This notice provides guidance in question and answer format on the use of actuarial assumptions in determining certain single sum distributions and the limitations of section 415(b)(2) of the Code as a result of section 415(b)(2)(E)(ii) as amended by section 101(b)(4) of the Pension Funding Equity Act of 2004.


Notice 2004-74(PDF, 73K)
The Service is suspending certain income limitation requirements under section 42 of the Code for certain low-income housing credit properties in Alabama as a result of the devastation caused by Hurricane Ivan.

Notice 2004-75(PDF, 58K)
The Service is suspending certain income limitation requirements under section 42 of the Code for certain low-income housing credit properties in Ohio as a result of the devastation caused by remnants of Hurricanes Ivan and Frances.

Notice 2004-76(PDF, 47K)
The Service is suspending certain income limitation requirements under section 42 of the Code for certain low-income housing credit properties in Florida as a result of the devastation caused by Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne. Notice 2004-66 amplified and superseded.

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