December 31, 1997
Church of Scientology & IRS Confidentiality
 WASHINGTON - A recent news article in the Wall Street Journal
discussed the recognition by the Internal Revenue Service of the tax
exempt status of the Church of Scientology. The Church of
Scientology was recognized as tax exempt after establishing that it
was an organization operated exclusively for religious and
charitable purposes. Recognition was based upon voluminous
information provided by the Church regarding its financial and other
operations to the Internal Revenue Service.
Closing agreements are frequently used to resolve tax disputes
between the Internal Revenue Service and taxpayers. A closing
agreement dealing with the taxpayer's tax affairs is the
confidential tax information of the taxpayer and may not be
disclosed by the IRS without proper authorization. The unauthorized
disclosure of a closing agreement by the Internal Revenue Service
would be a violation of Internal Revenue Code Section 6103. The
Office of the Chief Inspector of the Internal Revenue Service is
charged with investigating unauthorized disclosures of confidential
tax information.
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