Enactment of a Law
Committee Reports
The chairman, or some other member of the committee designated for
that purpose, reports bills to the Senate, and when reported they are placed
on the Senate Calendar of Business, unless unanimous consent is given for
immediate consideration.
The action taken by the committee appears on the copy of the bill
reported, and a written report, which is numbered ad seriatim, nearly
always accompanies the bill. The reports, like the bills, are printed by
the Government Printing Office for distribution.
A reported bill passes through the same channels in the Secretary's
Office as an introduced bill, for notation of the proper entries in the
Senate's official records. The bill also is reprinted, showing the calendar
and report numbers, the name of the Senator reporting it, the date, and
whether the committee ordered it reported with or without amendment. Committee
members may write their own minority, supplemental, and/or additional views
on the bill, and these statements are printed as a part of the committee
report on the measure.
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