Pursuant to a legislative requirement, GAO conducted a follow-up review
of the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) controls over its process for
certifying excise taxes for distribution to the federal trust funds.
GAO noted that: (1) IRS does not have adequate controls over its process
for certifying excise taxes for distribution to the federal government
trust funds; (2) the lack of fundamental internal controls resulted in
errors in the certifications going undetected; (3) these errors
ultimately affected the amounts distributed to the trust funds during
fiscal year 1997; (4) IRS' ineffective controls over the certification
process resulted in undetected: (a) mistakes by taxpayers in preparing
excise tax returns; (b) input errors by IRS when entering excise tax
return information in its master files; and (c) errors by IRS in
preparing the excise tax certifications; (5) as a result of these
errors, trust funds did not receive the appropriate amount of excise tax
revenue; (6) these errors are particularly important to the Highway
Trust Fund, which receives over half of the excise taxes that are
accounted for by IRS; (7) these weaknesses were a contributing factor in
the Department of Transportation's (DOT) Inspectors General's: (a)
qualified opinion on the Highway Trust Fund financial statements; (b)
disclaimer of opinion on the Federal Aviation Administration's financial
statements; and (c) disclaimer of opinion on DOT's consolidated
financial statements; (8) the errors GAO found relating to taxpayer
mistakes, IRS data input, and certification preparation could have been
detected or prevented by effective IRS procedures; and (9) IRS has taken
some actions to improve certain controls over the excise tax
certification process.
Click here for the full GAO Report, PDF Version, 36pgs. 491K