Many taxpayers who seek help from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) by
telephone are not getting it. Although IRS has improved its telephone
assistance program, the agency's telephone management practices have not
kept up with those of the Social Security Administration and four
private firms surveyed by GAO. IRS employees answered about the same
number of calls each year--about 36 million--even though the staff
available to answer calls declined. IRS answered about one out of two
calls in fiscal year 1989 but only about one out of four calls in fiscal
year 1994. IRS has improved its telephone assistance program,
particularly its ability to route calls among call sites and provide
assistors with taxpayer account information. However, IRS lags in the
application of modern information technology. However, GAO believes
that IRS could adopt management practices used by other organizations to
answer more calls with existing resources. GAO notes that IRS senior
management has not aggressively and consistently pursued the
implementation of commonly used practices. In part, these attempts
failed because IRS lacked a strategy for working with the National
Treasury Employees Union, which represents most IRS telephone assistance
workers, to introduce systemwide operating practices and standards.
Click here for the full GAO Report, PDF Version, 84pgs. 5.5M