GAO discussed the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) budget request for
fiscal year (FY) 1998.
GAO noted that: (1) IRS' FY 1998 budget request is for about $7.4
billion and 102,385 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff compared to a
proposed operating level in FY 1997 of about $7.2 billion and 102,926
FTEs; (2) IRS' FY 1998 budget request includes $131 million for
developmental information systems, the same amount that was provided in
FY 1997; (3) the administration also is proposing a $1 billion capital
account for IRS information technology investments; (4) neither the $131
million or the $1 billion is supported by the kind of analysis required
by the Clinger-Cohen Act, the Government Performance and Results Act,
and the Office of Management and Budget; (5) therefore, Congress should
consider not funding both the $131 million request and the capital
account until management and technical weaknesses in IRS' modernization
program are resolved and required analyses are completed; (6) the FY
1998 budget request also includes $84 million for IRS' turn of the
century date change effort; (7) IRS has already determined that it will
need $61.2 million more for this effort in FY 1997 than had been
allocated; (8) given that and because IRS' overall conversion needs are
still being determined, it seems reasonable to question whether the
amount requested for this effort in FY 1998 will be sufficient; (9) GAO
also has some concerns about certain FY 1997 budget allocations; (10)
GAO's review of the 1996 debt collection pilot identified various
problems that impeded the pilot's success; (11) until those problems are
resolved, GAO believes that IRS and Treasury should be prohibited from
spending the $26 million; (12) also, given that IRS has decided not to
begin any new systems development projects until October 1998, GAO
believes that Congress should consider rescinding $36 million that was
designated for that purpose in FY 1997; (13) that amount represents the
total allocated to systems development projects that IRS has cancelled
for FY 1997; (14) by October 1998, IRS expects to have developed the
internal capability to effectively manage systems development; (15)
finally, IRS expects the funding limits it faces in FY 1997 and
anticipates for FY 1998 to continue until at least 2002; and (16) fiscal
constraints as well as longstanding concerns about the efficiency of IRS
operations make consensus on IRS' strategic goals and the measures for
assessing progress against those goals critically important.
Click here for the full GAO Report, PDF Version, 26pgs. 65K