Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO discussed the Internal Revenue
Service's (IRS) year 2000 efforts and the remaining challenges IRS faces
in making its information systems year 2000 compliant, focusing on: (1)
the extent to which IRS monitors the year 2000 status of its
mission-critical systems in their entirety; (2) whether IRS met the
January 31, 1999, completion goal for the areas that it
monitors--application software, systems software, hardware, and
telecommunications networks; (3) the status of two remaining, critical
year 2000 tasks--conducting year 2000 testing and completing 36
contingency plans; and (4) the fact that other business initiatives are
creating competing demands on staff needed for year 2000 efforts.
GAO noted that: (1) a complete picture cannot be provided of the year
2000 status of IRS' 133 mission-critical systems because IRS does not
report year 2000 status for these systems in their entirety; (2)
instead, IRS monitors the year 2000 status of the components of an
information system, such as the application software, systems software,
and hardware, for each of its three types of computers--mainframes,
minicomputers/file servers, and personal computers; (3) IRS reports that
it met the January 31, 1999, completion goal for some of the areas that
it monitors but not for others; (4) IRS reports that it met the January
1999 completion goal for: (a) correcting application software; (b)
upgrading telecommunications networks; and (c) fully implementing one of
its two major system replacement projects; (5) despite significant
progress since GAO's testimony in May, IRS did not meet the goal for:
(a) upgrading systems software and hardware for its three types of
computers; and (b) fully implementing the other major system replacement
project; (6) as a result of not meeting the goal for upgrading systems
software and hardware, some changes will not be tested until late in
1999, reducing the time available to make corrections before January
2000; (7) for the replacement project, some service center staffs will
have no experience before 2000 using the new system to process peak
filing season volumes of remittances; (8) IRS must conduct the year 2000
end-to-end testing of its mission-critical systems; (9) testing is to
begin in April 1999; (10) the second critical task is to develop 36
contingency plans that IRS has determined are needed to address various
failure scenarios for its core business processes; (11) IRS is
developing these plans in response to GAO's June 1998 report; (12) IRS
has delayed the completion dates so that the first set of plans are to
be completed by March 31, 1999, and the second set of plans by May 31,
1999; (13) as IRS continues its year 2000 efforts, it will face the
challenge of how to address the competing demands on its staff; (14)
these competing demands are created by IRS' other major business
initiatives, such as implementing tax law changes and completing the
non-year 2000 portions of one of IRS' major system replacement projects;
and (15) to address these competing demands, in the past several months,
IRS has: (a) transferred staff from other areas; (b) hired additional
staff; and (c) delayed some activities.
Click here for the full GAO Report, PDF Version, 20pgs. 77K