IRS Tax Forms  
Publication 15 2000 Tax Year

Chapter 6

Tips your employee receives from customers are generally subject to withholding. Your employee must report cash tips to you by the 10th of the month after the month the tips are received. The report should include tips you paid over to the employee for charge customers and tips the employee received directly from customers. No report is required for months when tips are less than $20. Your employee reports the tips on Form 4070, Employee's Report of Tips to Employer, or on a similar statement. The statement must be signed by the employee and must show the following:

  • The employee's name, address, and SSN.
  • Your name and address.
  • The month or period the report covers.
  • The total tips.

Both Forms 4070 and 4070-A, Employee's Daily Record of Tips, are included in Pub. 1244, Employee's Daily Record of Tips and Report to Employer.

You must collect income tax, employee social security tax, and employee Medicare tax on the employee's tips. You can collect these taxes from the employee's wages or from other funds he or she makes available. (See Tips treated as supplemental wages in section 7 for further information.) Stop collecting the employee social security tax when his or her wages and tips for tax year 2001 reach $80,400; collect the income and employee Medicare taxes for the whole year on all wages and tips. You are responsible for the employer social security tax on wages and tips until the wages (including tips) reach the limit. You are responsible for the employer Medicare tax for the whole year on all wages and tips. File Form 941 to report withholding on tips.

If, by the 10th of the month after the month you received an employee's report on tips, you do not have enough employee funds available to deduct the employee tax, you no longer have to collect it. If there are not enough funds available, withhold taxes in the following order:

  1. Withhold on regular wages and other compensation.
  2. Withhold social security and Medicare taxes on tips.
  3. Withhold income tax on tips.

Show these tips and any uncollected social security and Medicare taxes on Form W-2 and on lines 6c, 6d, 7a, and 7b of Form 941. Report an adjustment on line 9 of Form 941 for the uncollected social security and Medicare taxes. Enter the amount of uncollected social security and Medicare taxes in box 13 of Form W-2 (box 12 on 2001 Form W-2) with codes A and B. (See section 13 and the Instructions for Forms W-2 and W-3.)

If an employee reports to you in writing $20 or more of tips in a month, the tips are subject to FUTA tax.

Note: You are permitted to establish a system for electronic tip reporting by employees. See Proposed Regulations section 31.6053-1.

Allocated tips. If you operate a large food or beverage establishment, you must report allocated tips under certain circumstances. However, do not withhold income, social security, or Medicare taxes on allocated tips.

A large food or beverage establishment is one that provides food or beverages for consumption on the premises, where tipping is customary, and where there are normally more than 10 employees on a typical business day during the preceding year.

The tips may be allocated by one of three methods--hours worked, gross receipts, or good faith agreement. For information about these allocation methods, including the requirement to file Forms 8027 on magnetic media if 250 or more forms are filed, see the separate Instructions for Form 8027.

Tip Rate Determination and Education Program. Employers may participate in the Tip Rate Determination and Education Program. The program consists of two voluntary agreements developed to improve tip income reporting by helping taxpayers to understand and meet their tip reporting responsibilities. The two agreements are the Tip Rate Determination Agreement (TRDA) and the Tip Reporting Alternative Commitment (TRAC). To find out more about this program, or to identify the IRS Tip Coordinator for your state, call the IRS at 1-800-829-1040. To get more information about TRDA or TRAC agreements, access the IRS Web Site at and search for Market Segment Understanding (MSU) agreements.

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