IRS Tax Forms  
Publication 590 2000 Tax Year


To help you complete your tax return, use the following appendices that include worksheets, sample forms, and tables.

  1. Appendix A -- Summary Record of Traditional IRA(s) for 2000 and Worksheet For Determining Required Annual Distributions.
  2. Appendix B -- Worksheets you use if you receive social security benefits and are subject to the IRA deduction phaseout rules. A filled-in example is included.
    1. Worksheet 1, Computation of Modified AGI.
    2. Worksheet 2, Computation of Traditional IRA Deduction.
    3. Worksheet 3, Computation of Taxable Social Security Benefits.
    4. Comprehensive Example and completed worksheets.
  3. Appendix C -- Filled-in Form 5329, Additional Taxes Attributable to IRAs, Other Qualified Retirement Plans, Annuities, Modified Endowment Contracts, and MSAs.
  4. Appendix D -- Filled-in Forms 8606, Nondeductible IRAs.
  5. Appendix E -- Life Expectancy Tables and the Table for Determining Applicable Divisor for MDIB (Minimum Distribution Incidental Benefit). These tables are included to assist you in computing your required minimum distribution amount if you have not taken all your assets from all your traditional IRAs before age 70 1/2.
  6. Appendix F -- IRAs Contribution/Distribution Quick Reference Chart.

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix B (cont)

Appendix B (cont)

Appendix B (cont)

Appendix B (cont)

Appendix B (cont)

Appendix B (cont)

Appendix B (cont)

Appendix B (cont)

Appendix B (cont)

Appendix C. Form 5329, page 1

Appendix C. (Continued) Form 5329, page 1

Appendix D. Form 8606

Appendix D. (Continued) Form 8606

Appendix E (Table I)

Appendix E (Table II)

Appendix E (Table II)

Appendix E (Table II)

Appendix E (Table II)

Appendix E (MDIB)

Appendix F (Quick reference chart)

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