IRS Tax Forms  
Publication 970 2000 Tax Year

Who Cannot Claim the Credit?

You cannot claim the Hope credit if any of the following apply.

  • Your filing status is married filing separate return.
  • You are listed as a dependent in the Exemptions section on another person's tax return (such as your parents). See Expenses of a dependent, earlier.
  • Your modified adjusted gross income is $50,000 or more ($100,000 or more in the case of a joint return). Modified adjusted gross income is explained later under Does Income Affect the Amount of the Credit?
  • You (or your spouse) were a nonresident alien for any part of 2000 and the nonresident alien did not elect to be treated as a resident alien. More information on nonresident aliens can be found in Publication 519, Tax Guide for U.S. Aliens.
  • The eligible student received a tax-free withdrawal from an education IRA during 2000 and did not waive the tax-free treatment. This waiver is discussed in chapter 4 under Withdrawal and Deduction or Credit.
  • You claim the lifetime learning credit for the same student in 2000.

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