Tax Preparation Help  
Publication 502 2008 Tax Year



Abortion, Abortion
Acupuncture, Acupuncture
Adopted child's medical expenses, Adopted child.
AGI limitation, Introduction, Community property states.
Alcoholism, Alcoholism
Alternative trade adjustment assistance recipient:
Health coverage tax credit, Alternative TAA workers.
Ambulances, Ambulance
Archer MSAs:
Health coverage tax credit, No double benefit.
Medical expenses paid for decedent from, Decedent
Artificial limbs, Artificial Limb
Artificial teeth, Artificial Teeth
Aspirin, Nonprescription Drugs and Medicines
Assistance (see Tax help)
Assisted living homes, Nursing Home
Athletic club dues, Health Club Dues
Autoette, Wheelchair
Automobiles (see Cars)


Baby sitting, Baby Sitting, Childcare, and Nursing Services for a Normal, Healthy Baby
Bandages, Bandages
Medical equipment or property (Worksheet D),
Birth control pills, Birth Control Pills
Body scan, Body Scan
Braille books and magazines, Braille Books and Magazines
Breast reconstruction surgery, Breast Reconstruction Surgery


Calculation of deduction, What If You Are Reimbursed for Medical Expenses You Did Not Deduct?, How Do You Figure Your Deduction?
Capital expenses, Capital Expenses
Capital expenses:
Improvements to rented property, Improvements to property rented by a person with a disability.
Operation and upkeep, Operation and upkeep.
Worksheet A, Capital expense worksheet.
Cars, Car
Out-of-pocket expenses, Car expenses.
Standard medical mileage rates, Car expenses.
Child care, Baby Sitting, Childcare, and Nursing Services for a Normal, Healthy Baby
Children's medical expenses:
Adopted child, Adopted child.
Dependents, Dependent
Health coverage tax credit, Children of divorced parents.
Chiropractors, Chiropractor
Christian Science practitioners, Christian Science Practitioner
Chronically ill persons, Chronically ill individual.
Comments on publication, Comments and suggestions.
Community property states, Community property states.
Computer data banks to track medical information, Medical Information Plan
Contact lenses, Contact Lenses
Controlled substances, Controlled Substances
Cosmetic surgery, Cosmetic Surgery
Credit (see Health coverage tax credit)
Crutches, Crutches


Damages, personal injury, Determining gain.
Dancing lessons, Dancing Lessons
Medical and dental expenses, Decedent, What if you pay medical expenses of a deceased spouse or dependent?
Deductible amount, How Much of the Expenses Can You Deduct?
Deductible expenses, Whose Medical Expenses Can You Include?, X-ray
Definition of medical expenses, What Are Medical Expenses?
Dental treatment, Dental Treatment
Dental treatment:
Artificial teeth, Artificial Teeth
Teeth whitening, Teeth Whitening
Dentures, Artificial Teeth
Adopted child, Adopted child.
Claimed as a dependent on someone else's return, What if you are claimed as a dependent on someone else's return?
Qualifying child, Dependent
Qualifying relative, Dependent
Disabled dependent care, Disabled Dependent Care Expenses, Dependents with disabilities.
Medical expenses, Dependent
Multiple support agreement, Support claimed under a multiple support agreement.
Diagnostic devices, Diagnostic Devices
Diaper services, Diaper Service
Disabilities, persons with:
Dependent care expenses, Disabled Dependent Care Expenses, Dependents with disabilities.
Improvements to rented property, Improvements to property rented by a person with a disability.
Special education, Special Education
Divorced taxpayers:
Health coverage tax credit for children, Children of divorced parents.
Medical expenses of child, Child of divorced or separated parents.
Drug addiction, Drug Addiction
Drugs (see Medicines)
Health club, Health Club Dues


Education, special, Special Education
Electrolysis, Cosmetic Surgery
Employer-sponsored health insurance plans, Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Plan
Employment taxes, Employment taxes.
Equipment (see Medical equipment or property)
Excess reimbursements (see Reimbursements)
Excluded expenses:
Insurance premiums, Insurance Premiums You Cannot Include
Eye surgery, Eye Surgery
Eyeglasses, Eyeglasses


Fertility enhancement:
Eggs, temporary storage of, Fertility Enhancement
Fertility, Fertility Enhancement
Figuring the deduction, How Do You Figure and Report the Deduction on Your Tax Return?,
Final return for decedent:
Medical expenses paid, Decedent
Flexible spending account, Flexible Spending Account
Food (see Weight-loss programs)
Form 1040, Schedule A:
Impairment-related work expenses, Where to report.
Medical and dental expenses, Introduction, What Tax Form Do You Use?
Self-employed persons, health insurance costs, Impairment-Related Work Expenses
Form 1040, Schedule C-EZ:
Impairment-related work expenses, Where to report.
Form 1040, Schedule C:
Impairment-related work expenses, Where to report.
Form 1040, Schedule E:
Impairment-related work expenses, Where to report.
Form 1040, Schedule F:
Impairment-related work expenses, Where to report.
Form 1040:
Health coverage tax credit, How To Report
Self-employed persons, health insurance costs, Impairment-Related Work Expenses
Form 1040NR:
Health coverage tax credit, How To Report
Form 1040X:
Amended individual return, What Expenses Can You Include This Year?
Deceased taxpayer, What if the decedent's return had been filed and the medical expenses were not included?
Form 1099-H:
Self-employed persons, health insurance costs, Impairment-Related Work Expenses
Form 2106-EZ:
Impairment-related work expenses, Where to report.
Form 2106:
Impairment-related work expenses, Where to report.
Form 2555-EZ:
Self-employed persons, health insurance costs, Impairment-Related Work Expenses
Form 2555:
Self-employed persons, health insurance costs, Impairment-Related Work Expenses
Form 8453:
Health coverage tax credit, How To Report
Form 8885:
Health coverage tax credit, How To Report
Self-employed persons, health insurance costs, Impairment-Related Work Expenses
Founder's fee (see Lifetime care, advance payments)
Free tax services, How To Get Tax Help
Funeral expenses, Funeral Expenses
Future medical care, Payments for future medical care., Future Medical Care


Glasses, Eyeglasses
Guide dog or other animal, Guide Dog or Other Service Animal


Removal, Cosmetic Surgery
Transplants, Cosmetic Surgery
Wigs, Wig
Health club dues, Health Club Dues
Health coverage tax credit, Health Coverage Tax Credit
Advance payments, Advance Payments
Children of divorced parents, Health Coverage Tax Credit
PBGC pension recipient
Lump-sum payment, PBGC Pension Recipient
Health coverage tax credit:
Alternative TAA recipient, Who Can Take This Credit?
Alternative TAA workers, Alternative TAA workers.
Archer MSAs, No double benefit.
Eligible coverage month, Eligible Coverage Month
Insurance that covers other individuals, Insurance that covers other individuals.
Legally separated, Legally separated.
Married persons filing separate returns, Qualifying Family Member
Nonqualified health insurance, Nonqualified Health Insurance
Other specified coverage
Benefits from the Veterans Administration, Other Specified Coverage
PBGC pension recipient, Who Can Take This Credit?
Qualified health insurance, Qualified Health Insurance
Qualifying family member, Qualifying Family Member
Refundable credit, Refundable Credit
Reporting, How To Report
State-qualified health insurance, State-qualified health insurance.
TAA recipient, Who Can Take This Credit?
Health institutes, Health Institute
Health insurance
Credit (see Health coverage tax credit)
Reimbursements (see Reimbursements)
Health insurance:
Employer-sponsored plan, Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Plan
Deductible, Insurance Premiums
Nondeductible, Insurance Premiums You Cannot Include
Paid by employer, Premiums paid by your employer.
Paid by employer and you, Premiums paid by you and your employer.
Paid by you, Premiums paid by you.
Prepaid, Prepaid Insurance Premiums
Unused sick leave used to pay, Unused Sick Leave Used To Pay Premiums
Self-employed persons, Impairment-Related Work Expenses
Health maintenance organizations (HMOs), Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
Health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), Health reimbursement arrangement (HRA).
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs):
Payments from, Health Savings Accounts
Hearing aids, Hearing Aids
Hearing-impaired persons:
Guide dog or other animal for, Guide Dog or Other Service Animal
Help (see Tax help)
HMOs (Health maintenance organizations), Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
Home care (see Nursing services)
Home improvements (see Capital expenses)
Hospital services, Hospital Services
Hotels, Lodging
Household help, Household Help
HRAs (Health reimbursement arrangements), Health reimbursement arrangement (HRA).


Illegal operations and treatments, Illegal Operations and Treatments
Illegal substances, Controlled Substances
Impairment-related work expenses, Workers' compensation.
Impairment-related work expenses:, Impairment-related expenses defined.
Reporting of, Where to report.
In vitro fertilization, Fertility Enhancement
Insulin, Nonprescription Drugs and Medicines
Insurance (see Health insurance)
Intellectually and developmentally disabled persons:
Mentally retarded, Intellectually and Developmentally Disabled, Special Home for
Special homes for, Intellectually and Developmentally Disabled, Special Home for


Laboratory fees, Laboratory Fees
Laser eye surgery, Eye Surgery
Lead-based paint removal, Lead-Based Paint Removal
Learning disabilities, Special Education
Legal fees, Legal Fees
Lessons, dancing and swimming, Dancing Lessons
Lifetime care:
Advance payments for, Lifetime Care—Advance Payments
Lodging, Lodging
Lodging:, Trips
(see also Trips)
Long-term care, Long-Term Care
Long-term care:
Chronically ill individuals, Chronically ill individual.
Maintenance and personal care services, Maintenance and personal care services.
Qualified insurance contracts, Qualified Long-Term Care Insurance Contracts
Qualified services, Qualified Long-Term Care Services


Maintenance and personal care services, Maintenance and personal care services.
Maternity clothes, Maternity Clothes
Meals, Meals
Meals:, Weight-Loss Program
(see also Weight-loss programs)
Medical conferences, Medical Conferences
Medical equipment or property:
Adjusted basis (Worksheet D),
Gain or loss (Worksheet E),
Sale of,
Medical expense records, How Do You Figure Your Deduction?
Medical information plans, Medical Information Plan
Medical savings accounts (MSAs), Medical Savings Account (MSA)
Medicare D, deductible expense, Medicare D
Medicare A, deductible expense, Medicare A
Medicare B, deductible expense, Medicare B
Medicines, Medicines
Imported, Imported medicines and drugs., Medicines and Drugs From Other Countries
Nonprescription drugs and medicines, Nonprescription Drugs and Medicines
Mileage rates, What's New
Missing children:
Photographs of, included in IRS publications, Reminder
More information (see Tax help)
Multiple support agreements, Support claimed under a multiple support agreement.


Nondeductible expenses, What Expenses Are Not Includible?, Weight-Loss Program
Nonprescription drugs and medicines, Nonprescription Drugs and Medicines
Nursing homes, Nursing Home
Nursing services, Nursing Services, Baby Sitting, Childcare, and Nursing Services for a Normal, Healthy Baby
Nursing services:
Chronically ill individuals, Chronically ill individual.
Nutritional supplements, Nutritional Supplements


Operations, Operations
Cosmetic surgery, Cosmetic Surgery
Eye surgery, Eye Surgery
Illegal operations and treatments, Illegal Operations and Treatments
Optometrist services, Eyeglasses
Organ donors, Transplants
Osteopaths, Osteopath
Oxygen, Oxygen


Paint removal, for lead-based, Lead-Based Paint Removal
Parking fees and tolls, Car expenses.
Personal injury damages, Damages for Personal Injuries
Personal use items, Personal Use Items
Physical examination, Physical Examination
Physical therapy, Therapy
Plastic surgery, Cosmetic Surgery
Pregnancy test kit, Pregnancy Test Kit
Premiums (see Health insurance)
Prepaid insurance premiums, Prepaid Insurance Premiums
Prosthesis, Artificial Limb
Psychiatric care, Psychiatric Care
Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysis
Psychologists, Psychologist
Publications (see Tax help)


Radial keratotomy, Eye Surgery
Recordkeeping, How Do You Figure Your Deduction?
Rehabilitation facilities, Nursing Home
Reimbursements, How Do You Treat Reimbursements?, What If You Are Reimbursed for Medical Expenses You Did Not Deduct?
Excess includible in income:
When more than one policy (Worksheet C), More than one policy.
When one policy (Worksheet B),
Excess may be taxable (Figure 1), What If Your Insurance Reimbursement Is More Than Your Medical Expenses?
Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA), Health reimbursement arrangement (HRA).
Insurance, Insurance Reimbursement, What If Your Insurance Reimbursement Is More Than Your Medical Expenses?
Medical expenses not deducted, What If You Receive Insurance Reimbursement in a Later Year?
More than one policy, More than one policy.
Received in later year, What If You Are Reimbursed for Medical Expenses You Did Not Deduct?
Rental property:
Improvements to, Improvements to property rented by a person with a disability.
Medical deduction (see Form 1040, Schedule A)
Health coverage tax credit, How To Report
Impairment-related work expenses, Where to report.
Medical and dental expenses, What If You Are Reimbursed for Medical Expenses You Did Not Deduct?
Self-employed persons, health insurance costs, Impairment-Related Work Expenses


Sale of medical equipment or property, Sale of Medical Equipment or Property, Determining gain.
Sale of medical equipment or property:
Adjusted basis (Worksheet D),
Gain or loss (Worksheet E),
Schedules (see Form 1040)
Seeing-eye dogs, Guide Dog or Other Service Animal
Self-employed persons:
Health coverage tax credit, No double benefit.
Health insurance costs, Health Insurance Costs for Self-Employed Persons
Senior housing, Nursing Home
Separate returns:
Community property states, Community property states.
Medical and dental expenses, Separate returns.
Separated taxpayers:
Health coverage tax credit, Legally separated.
Medical expenses of child, Child of divorced or separated parents.
Sick leave:
Used to pay health insurance premiums, Unused Sick Leave Used To Pay Premiums
Special education, Special Education
Spouse's medical expenses, Spouse
Spouse's medical expenses:
Deceased spouse, What if you pay medical expenses of a deceased spouse or dependent?
Standard medical mileage rates, What's New
Sterilization, Sterilization
Stop-smoking programs, Stop-Smoking Programs
Suggestions for publication, Comments and suggestions.
Surgery (see Operations)
Swimming lessons, Dancing Lessons


Tables and figures:
Medical equipment or property:
Adjusted basis (Worksheet D),
Gain or loss (Worksheet E),
Reimbursements, excess includible in income:
When more than one policy (Worksheet C), More than one policy.
When one policy (Worksheet B),
Reimbursements, excess may be taxable (Figure 1), What If Your Insurance Reimbursement Is More Than Your Medical Expenses?
Tax help, How To Get Tax Help
Taxpayer Advocate, Contacting your Taxpayer Advocate.
Artificial, Artificial Teeth
Dental treatment, Dental Treatment
Whitening, Teeth Whitening
Telephone, Telephone
Television, Television
Therapy, Therapy
Transplants, Transplants
Travel and transportation expenses, Transportation
Travel and transportation expenses:
Car expenses, Car expenses.
Includible expenses, You can include:, Transportation expenses you cannot include.
Parking fees and tolls, Car expenses.
Standard medical mileage rate, What's New
Trips, Trips
TTY/TDD information, How To Get Tax Help
Tuition, Tuition


Vasectomy, Vasectomy
Veterinary fees, Veterinary Fees
Vision correction surgery, Eye Surgery
Visually-impaired persons:
Guide dog or other animal for, Guide Dog or Other Service Animal


Weight-loss programs, Weight-Loss Program, Weight-Loss Program
What's new:
Diagnostic medical tests, What's New
Standard mileage rate, What's New
Wheelchairs, Wheelchair
Wigs, Wig
Work expenses:
Disabled dependent care, Disabled Dependent Care Expenses
Impairment-related, Impairment-Related Work Expenses
Workers' compensation, Workers' compensation.
Capital expenses (Worksheet A), Capital expense worksheet.
Medical equipment or property:
Adjusted basis (Worksheet D),
Gain or loss (Worksheet E),
Reimbursements, excess includible in income:
When more than one policy (Worksheet C), More than one policy.
When one policy (Worksheet B),


X-rays, X-ray

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