Tax Preparation Help  
Publication 587 2008 Tax Year

Schedule C (Form 1040) Profit or Loss from Business 2007. Summary: This is a sample of the 2007 Schedule C (Form 1040) with line items included as described in the text. Additionally, the following line items are included:

Name of proprietor” field contains John Stephens
Social security number” field contains 465-00-0001
A. Principal business or profession, including product or service (see page C-1 of the instructions)” field contains Tax Preparation Services
B. Enter code from pages C-7, 8, & 9” field contains 541213
C. Business name. If no separate business name, leave blank.” field contains Stephens Tax Service
E. Business address (including suite or room number)” field contains 821 Union Street
City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code” field contains Hometown, Iowa 52761
F. Accounting method: (1) Cash” checkbox checked
G. Did you materially participate in the operation of this business during 2007? If No, see page C-3 for limit on losses: Yes” checkbox checked
Under “Part I: Income”:
1. Gross receipts or sales. Caution. If this income was reported to you on Form W-2 and the Statutory employee box on that form was checked, see page C-3 and check here” field contains 34,280
2. Returns and allowances” field contains 0
3. Subtract line 2 from line 1” field contains 34,280
4. Cost of goods sold (from line 42 on page 2)” field contains 0
5. Gross profit. Subtract line 4 from line 3” field contains 34,280
6. Other income, including Federal and state gasoline or fuel tax credit or refund (see page C-3)” field contains 0
7. Gross income. Add lines 5 and 6” field contains 34,280
Under “Part II: Expenses. Enter expenses for business use of your home only on line 30”:
8. Advertising” field contains 250
9. Car and truck expenses (see page C-3)” field contains 1,266
13. Depreciation and section 179 expense deduction (not included in Part III) (see page C-4)”field contains 3,879
15. Insurance (other than health)” field contains 750
16b. Interest: other” field contains 200
17. Legal and professional services” field contains 350
18. Office expense” field contains 600
22. Supplies (not included in Part III)” field contains 253
24a. Travel, meals, and entertainment: Travel” field contains 310
24b. Travel, meals, and entertainment: Meals and entertainment” field contains 256
25. Utilities”field contains 347
27. Other expenses (from line 48 on page 2)” field contains 267
28. Total expenses before expenses for business use of home. Add lines 8 through 27 in columns” field contains 8,728
29. Tentative profit (loss). Subtract line 28 from line 7” field contains 25,552
30. Expenses for business use of your home. Attach Form 8829”field contains 1,481
31. Net profit or (loss). Subtract line 30 from line 29.” field contains 24,071


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