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  2009 Tax Year / 2010 Filing Season

2009 IRS Tax Tips for 2010 Filing season

These easy-to-read Tax Tips cover a wide range of topics, from child credits and higher education benefits to IRAs and Social Security. These Tax Tips are for Tax Year 2009.

January 22, 2010
Ten Things You Should Know about the Making Work Pay Tax Credit
Many working taxpayers are eligible for the Making Work Pay Tax Credit, a provision created by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in early 2009.
January 21, 2010
Five Ways to Obtain IRS Forms and Publications
Taxpayers who need their past tax return information can obtain it from the IRS. Here are nine things to know if you need copies of your federal tax return information.
January 20, 2010
How to Obtain a Transcript of Your Past Tax Information
Taxpayers who need their past tax return information can obtain it from the IRS. Here are nine things to know if you need copies of your federal tax return information.
January 19, 2010
Tax Credit Helps Pay for Higher Education Expenses
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was passed in early 2009 and created the American Opportunity Credit. This educational tax credit � which expanded the existing Hope credit � helps parents and students pay for college and college-related expenses.
January 18. 2010
A New Option for Your Federal Tax Refund: Savings Bonds
If you are receiving a federal tax refund from the Internal Revenue Service, you can choose to use that money to purchase U.S. savings bonds.
January 15, 2010
Eight Ways to Find Tax Help 'en Espa�ol'
Tax information can be tough to understand in any language, but it can be even more difficult if it is not in your first language. To assist Spanish speaking taxpayers, the IRS provides a wide range of free products and services.
January 14, 2010
Top Ten Reasons to Visit
If you have a tax question or need a tax form � there�s no need to leave the comfort of your home. All you need is a computer and Internet access because has a wealth of information.
January 13, 2010
Ten Tax Topics for Taxpayers with Tots and Teens
Got Kids? They may have an impact on your tax situation. Listed below are the top 10 things the IRS wants you to consider if you have children.
January 12, 2010
Three Reasons to Prepare and File Your Taxes Electronically
Last year, 2 out of 3 tax returns were filed electronically. Was yours? If not, here are three important reasons to e-file your return.
January 11, 2010
Eight Tips to Help You Choose a Tax Preparer
The IRS urges people to use care and caution when choosing a tax preparer. Remember, you are legally responsible for what�s on your tax return even if it was prepared by an another individual or firm.
January 8, 2010
Choose the Tax Form that Best Fits Your Needs
To file your 2009 individual tax return, you�ll have to decide which form to use�unless you e-file. If you file electronically, the software automatically selects the simplest and best form for you. Whether you use e-file or prepare on paper, using the simplest form will help avoid costly errors or processing delays. And remember, if you file electronically, it speeds up the processing of your tax return and the delivery of your refund.
January 7, 2010
Five Important Facts about Dependents and Exemptions
When you prepare to file your tax return, there are two things that will factor into your tax situation: dependents and exemptions. Here are five important facts the IRS wants you to know about dependents and exemptions before you file your 2009 tax return.
January 6, 2010
Eight Facts About Filing Status
Everyone who files a federal tax return must determine which filing status applies to them. It�s important you choose your correct filing status as it determines your standard deduction, the amount of tax you owe and ultimately, any refund owed to you.
January 5, 2009
Five Filing Facts for Recently Married or Divorced Taxpayers
If you were married or divorced recently, there are a couple of things you�ll want to do to ensure the name on your tax return matches the name registered with the Social Security Administration.
January 4, 2010
IRS Presents: Top Ten Tax Time Tips
While the tax filing deadline is more than three months away, it always seems to be here before you know it. Here are the Internal Revenue Service�s top 10 tips that will help your tax filing process run smoother than ever this year.


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