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Tax Topic #155 2008 Tax Year

Topic 155 - Forms and Publications � How to Order

Need an IRS tax form or publication? The easiest way to obtain an IRS tax form or publication is to use your computer. Access the IRS website at and click on Forms and Publications on the left side of the page. You can also reach us at

You can order forms and publications by calling 800-829-3676. To expedite your call, make a list of what you need before you call. You should receive your order within 10 working days.

You also can find many high demand forms and publications at local IRS offices, many post offices and libraries.

Finally, if you received a tax package but need additional forms, you can use the order form in the package to mail in your request. If you call or write to order forms, request items by their form or publication number, not titles.

Page Last Reviewed or Updated: December 22, 2008

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