IRS News Release  

1989 IRS News Releases

News Releases are issued by the IRS whenever there is information of importance that needs to be released to the public or practitioner community. All 1989 releases are included here except those pertaining to IRS personnel changes

The numbering system identifies the year and the number of the News Release. Fact Sheets are identified with filenames beginning "FS-89'" followed by the number of the fact sheet.

IR-89-159 Dec. 28, 1989
Adjustments for Inflation
The IRS today announced the standard deduction, personal exemption and earned income credit amounts that have been adjusted for inflation. These amounts will affect 1990 tax returns filed in 1991.
IR-89-158 Dec. 27, 1989
Withholding for Farmworkers
Beginning in 1990 agricultural employers must begin to withhold income tax from cash wages paid to farmworkers, and the IRS has sent a notice to employers explaining how to comply with the new law.
IR-89-157 Dec. 26, 1989
Ignore Any Lines Regarding the Supplemental Medicare Surtax
The IRS gave an early tip to taxpayers about the repeal of the supplemental Medicare catastrophic premium, or surtax: when you file your 1989 income tax return, ignore any lines on the form that refer to the surtax.
IR-89-152 Dec. 19, 1989
Tax Filing Season is Just Around the Corner
Tax filing season is just around the corner when federal income tax packages start to arrive in mailboxes around the country. Beginning December 26, more than 107 million filers will begin to receive the annual mailing.
IR-89-149 Dec. 14, 1989
Adjusted Tax Rate Table Announced
The IRS today announced inflation-adjusted tax rate tables for tax years beginning in 1990. These tax rates will affect 1990 tax returns filed in 1991.
IR-89-148 Dec. 7, 1989
Guidelines As to What Constitutes an Accountable Reimbursement Plan
The IRS today released guidance to employers and employees on the tax treatment of employee business expenses under a reimbursement or other expense allowance arrangement.
IR-89-144 Dec. 4, 1989
New Federal Unemployment Tax Return Available
A new simplified federal unemployment tax return is now available for certain employers to file for the 1989 tax year.
IR-89-138 Nov. 9, 1989
Over $40 Million in Refunds Waiting to be Claimed
Over $40 million in tax refund checks are waiting to be claimed by about 72 thousand taxpayers nationwide according to the IRS.
IR-89-130 Nov. 1, 1989
It's Not Too Late to Claim the Earned Income Credit
A notice is going out to working families alerting them that it's not too late to file a tax return to claim the Earned Income Credit (EIC) for 1988, or even for 1987 and 1986.
IR-89-129 Nov. 1, 1989
1989 Standard Mileage Rates Announced
The IRS released the 1989 standard mileage rates today for automobiles used in business, for charitable, use, and for medical and moving expenses purposes.
IR-89-126 Oct. 17, 1989
Reorganization of the IRS National Office
In a move to focus tax system modernization efforts and provide for a greater level of accountability for IRS' financial management, IRS Commissioner Fred T. Goldberg, Jr., today announced a reorganization of the IRS National Office.
IR-89-115 Sept. 28, 1989
Incorrect Taxpayer Identification Numbers
The IRS will delay until 1990 sending banks and other payers of interest and dividends notices that identify mission or incorrect taxpayer identification numbers the payers provided for their customers. The delay will enable the IRS to ensure that notices will be properly sent to the affected payers.
IR-89-114 Sept. 27, 1989
Banks in Violation of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights
The IRS today expressed concern that banks are sending payments to the IRS for levies on accounts of delinquent taxpayers before the required 21-day holding period expires.
IR-89-95 Aug. 9, 1989
Voluntary Compliance Predicted to Increase
Voluntary compliance with tax laws declined slightly among individual taxpayers between 1982 and 1985, according to a recently completed study by the IRS.
IR-89-94 Aug. 8, 1989
Interest Rates for the Quarter to Decrease
The IRS today announced that interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning Oct. 1, 1989, will decrease to ten percent for overpayments and eleven percent for underpayments.
IR-89-79 July 5, 1989
Goldberg Sworn in as IRS Commissioner
Fred T. Goldberg, Jr. was sworn in as commissioner of Internal Revenue Service today.
IR-89-78 June 30, 1989
Advanced Copies of Forms Available
The IRS today released for public comment advance copies of the major individual income tax forms and the tax table and tax rate schedules for 1989.
IR-89-69 June 8, 1989
Less Extensions, But More Individual Returns
Fewer taxpayers this year asked for automatic extensions of time to file their returns than the IRS had anticipated, and more taxpayers used the standard deduction this year instead of itemizing.
IR-89-67 June 7, 1989
New Child Care Provisions
Working people who take tax credits or exclusions for dependent care and child and dependent care providers have new reporting requirements for income tax returns due next year.
IR-89-66 June 5, 1989
Year-Round Tax Information on Cable Television
On June 6, 1989 the IRS will begin beaming free year-round tax information to cable television viewers by satellite. The satellite program service will be transmitted to cable operators for one hour each week as part of IRS's continuing effort to inform the public on tax matters.
IR-89-61 May 25, 1989
Filers of Form 5500EZ Should Use Enclosed Envelope
The IRS today alerted filers of Form 5500EZ, "Annual Return of One-Participant (Owners and Their Spouses) Pension Benefit Plan, " that the instructions on where to file the return contain an incorrect ZIP code.
IR-89-57 May 11, 1989
The Second Installment of Passive Loss Regulations Issued
The IRS today issued the second installment of passive loss regulations. These rules offer guidance on how taxpayers should identify activities under the passive loss rules.
IR-89-53 May 5, 1989
Employers Have Until October 1 to Assure That Their Employees Plans Meet the Requirements
The IRS today issued a notice providing employers with additional transitional relief for testing their employee benefit plans under IRC Sec. 89. Notice 89-65 is attached.
IR-89-48 April 19, 1989
Alternative Minimum Tax Changes
The IRS today advised taxpayers how to amend their 1987 individual income tax returns because of retroactive changes in the alternative minimum tax computation. The IRS also explained how some taxpayers who have to amend last year's tax returns can avoid paying interest on the additional tax.
IR-89-46 April 17, 1989
New Tax Provisions in Effect
Before you forget about taxes for another year the IRS says you should know about some law changes now in effect.
IR-89-43 April 12, 1989
Extra Taxpayer Help Available
To provide extra help to taxpayers during the last few days of the filing season, the Internal Revenue Service is offering extended telephone hours on Saturday, April 14 and Monday, April 16.
IR-89-42 April 6, 1989
IRS to Determine to What Extent Taxpayers Are Trying to Circumvent the Tax Reform Act of 1986
The IRS today said that it is conduction studies to determine how well taxpayers understand and are complying with the provisions of the Tax Reform Act of 1986.
IR-89-41 April 5, 1989
Deadline Approaching to File for An Extension
With less than two full weeks left in the 1989 tax filing season, many taxpayers who have not filed yet may be thinking about getting an extension of time to file their returns.
IR-89-40 April 5, 1989
1985 Corporate Tax Returns Released
The 1985 Corporation Income Tax Returns (Publication 16) has been released by the IRS.
IR-89-39 March 29, 1989
Steps to Make Taxes Less Taxing
As the IRS shifts into high gear for the last three weeks of income tax filing season, taxpayers can still take steps to help make their taxes less taxing.
IR-89-37 March 24, 1989
Record Federal Tax Collections in 1988
The Internal Revenue Service reported record federal tax collections of $935.1 billion for fiscal year 1988. Individual tax receipts totaled $473.7 billion, an increase of 1.8 percent over the prior year. Corporation tax receipts rose 6.6 percent to $109.7 billion.
IR-89-36 March 23, 1989
Exchange of Information With Australia
The IRS today announced a working arrangement with the government of Australia for the spontaneous exchange of exchange of information on double taxation cases. It represents the first such arrangement ever formalized with another country.
IR-89-35 March 22, 1989
Taxpayers Pay Only the Tax Due - No More, No Less
The IRS today said that it is changing procedures to be used in the information document matching program for tax year 1987 and future years to ensure that taxpayers who might not have claimed all their withholding tax will get any refunds which may be due.
IR-89-34 March 22, 1989
Short Forms for Form 1040 Users
Over four million taxpayers who filed Form 1040 last year received Form 1040A and 1040Z tax packages this year instead. They received these "short forms" as part of a IRS effort to offer people the chance to file the simplest return possible that fits their tax situation.
IR-89-33 March 21, 1989
IRS Will Continue to Examine the Returns of Government Employees Living Overseas
In light of a recent Tax Court decision, the IRS today said that it will continue to examine the returns of government employees who are paid out of non-appropriated funds and claim the $70,000 exclusion for income earned abroad.
IR-89-31 March 20, 1989
Advice for Recent Retirees
People who have recently retired and who want to figure the taxable part of their pensions can save $50 by using a simple new worksheet instead of applying to the IRS for a ruling on the taxation of their pensions.
IR-89-29 March 15, 1989
Increased Itemization on Form 1040
Initial data collected by the IRS suggests that more filers of Form 1040 are taking the standard deduction this year than did so in the past.
IR-89-26 March 8, 1989
Filing Rates Increase Two Percent
Individual income tax returns continue to come in to IRS Centers at a fast rate, over 2 percent faster than last year. In addition, the IRS said that processing for last week was at an all-time high.
IR-89-25 March 2, 1989
Proposed Regulations Regarding Sections 89 & 125
The IRS today issued proposed regulations affecting accident and health plans, group-term life insurance and other welfare benefit plans, such as dependent care assistance program. The regulations, under Sections 89 and 125 of the IRC of 1986, provide nondiscrimination rules and qualification requirements for these plans and affect most employers with benefit plans.
IR-89-24 March 1, 1989
Taxpayers Continue to File at Faster Pace
Taxpayers continue to file their federal income tax returns at a faster pace than last year, and filers of the two "short forms" are leading the way.
IR-89-23 Feb. 24, 1989
Interest Rates for the Quarter to Remain at Eleven Percent
The IRS today announced that interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning April 1, 1989, will increase to eleven percent for overpayments and twelve percent for underpayments.
IR-89-21 Feb. 22, 1989
A Fifteen Percent Increase in Tax Returns
More taxpayers are filing earlier this year. For the first time this filing season the IRS received more individual income tax returns at the service centers than for a comparable period last year.
IR-89-20 Feb. 16, 1989
U.S. Government Workers Living Overseas Are Not Allowed to Claim the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion
The IRS today reminded overseas civilian and military federal workers that employees of the U. S. government are not permitted under the law to claim the $70,000 foreign earned income exclusion. Over 1,000 audit reports have been sent so far as a result of a recent IRS review of these cases.
IR-89-18 Feb. 15, 1989
Be Sure to Check for Errors
More that 334,000 taxpayers filed their 1988 income tax return electronically as of February 10, the IRS said today. That figure is more than three times the number filed at the same time last year.
IR-89-17 Feb. 15, 1989
75 Years of the IRS Statistical Program
A special commemorative volume to mark the first 75 years of the IRS statistical program has been released by the Internal Revenue Service.
IR-89-14 Feb. 3, 1989
Commissioner to Return to Private Practice
IRS Commissioner Lawrence B. Gibbs today announced that he will leave the Internal Revenue Service in early March to return to the private practice of law.
IR-89-13 Feb. 3, 1989
Supplemental Medicare Premium Publication Available
The Internal Revenue Service has made Publication 934, Supplemental Medicare Premium, available to help taxpayers decide whether or not they owe the premium, and if they do, how to figure it and how to pay it.
IR-89-11 Jan. 27, 1989
Omnibus Taxpayer Bill of Rights
Taxpayers who face significant hardships because of the manner in which the Internal Revenue Service is administering the tax laws may now apply to IRS for relief. The Omnibus Taxpayer Bill of Rights provides that the Taxpayer Ombudsman and Problem Resolution Officers may issue Taxpayer Assistance Orders (TAOs) to suspend, delay or stop actions where a taxpayer may suffer significant hardship as the result of an IRS action or failure to act.
IR-89-10 Jan. 26, 1989
Cost-of-Living Adjustments to Section 415
The Internal Revenue Service today announced cost-of-living adjustments applicable to dollar limitations on benefits under qualified defined benefit pension plans and to other provisions affecting such plans.
IR-89-07 Jan. 18, 1989
Tax Break '89 to Air on February 5
A special television show to encourage taxpayers to file now will be presented by the Internal Revenue Service. Tax Break '89 will air nationwide on February 5 from 3 to 5 p.m. EST over the Public Broadcasting System.
IR-89-02 Jan. 5, 1989
Guidance Regarding Dependent Care Assistance
The Internal Revenue Service today provided guidance to employers who must report amounts of dependent care assistance furnished to their employees in 1988. This new reporting requirement was contained in Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988.
IR-89-01 Jan. 4, 1989
File Early & File Accurately
That's the advice from the Internal Revenue Service to the nation's 109 million taxpayers at the beginning of the income tax filing season. In a related announcement, the IRS said it will hold a series of town meetings around the country to give taxpayers a chance to offer ideas and suggestions for improving the next year's forms and instructions.


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