December 08, 1993
Changes to Diesel Tax Rules Impacts Farmers
 WASHINGTON - Farmers need to be aware of recent tax law changes
to take advantage of the exemption from excise tax on diesel fuel
used for farming according to the Internal Revenue Service. The
recently-passed Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1993
changes the taxation of diesel fuels used on a farm for farming
purposes, effective January 1, 1994.
Under prior law, the Internal Revenue Service says, farmers
could either purchase diesel fuel tax-free using a certificate of
exemption, Form 637, or purchase diesel fuel on which the tax had
been paid. Farmers who purchased tax-paid fuel could apply for a
refund or credit for the tax.
Under the new law, farmers still have an option. They may
purchase specially-dyed fuel that is tax exempt. The dye shows that
the fuel is destined for a tax-exempt use, such as farming. Farmers
may also purchase clear fuel that has already been taxed. In this
case, a registered ultimate vendor, i.e., the final seller,
subtracts the 22.4-cent-per-gallon excise tax from the purchase
price. The seller, not the farmer, files the claim for refund of
the tax paid.
As farmers purchase fuel after December 31, 1993, they should
keep these new rules in mind. They can no longer purchase the
clear, tax-paid diesel fuel and get a credit or refund for taxes
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