May 08, 1997
IRS Simplifies Process for Changing Method of Accounting
WASHINGTON - The Internal Revenue Service today issued a
revised procedure for taxpayers to follow when requesting permission
to change their accounting method for federal income tax purposes.
A change in accounting method usually involves the time when a
taxpayer reports an item as income or takes it as a deduction. The
new rules end many of the complexities in the five-year-old
procedure they replace.
"These new rules greatly simplify the process," said IRS
Commissioner Margaret Milner Richardson. "Once again, we are trying
to enhance voluntary compliance with the tax laws by making the
rules easier for taxpayers to follow."
The IRS asked for public comment on revising these procedures
last year, and put many of the suggestions it received into the new
rules. For example, the different classification categories are
gone, and a single adjustment period for both positive and negative
adjustments replaces the various periods in the old rules. In
addition, taxpayers generally may now request a change in accounting
method any time during the year, not just during the first 180 days.
The new Revenue Procedure 97-27 will be published in Internal
Revenue Bulletin 1997-21, dated May 27, 1997, and will be effective
May 15.
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