November 05, 1999
IRS Advisory Council to Meet November 10
 WASHINGTON - The Internal Revenue Service
Advisory Council (IRSAC) will hold its semi-annual public meeting on Wednesday, November
10, at the IRS Headquarters. The Council provides a public forum for raising, studying and
making recommendations on tax administration issues, as well as on IRS restructuring and
Ten new members are joining IRSAC for a two-year term and five members who have
served since 1997 are leaving. This brings the total IRSAC membership to 16. Internal
Revenue Commissioner Charles O. Rossotti selected the new members. N. Jerold Cohen, an
Atlanta attorney who was the IRS Chief Counsel from 1979 to 1981, will chair the Council
for the coming year.
The meeting will run from 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. in room 3313 of the IRS
building at 1111 Constitution Ave., NW. Space is limited; persons interested in attending
should call 202-622-6440 to be placed on the access list.
[ A Listing of IRSAC Members and Affiliations Follows ]
Eric R. Blackledge |
President, Blackledge Furniture Company,
Corvallis, OR |
John P. Carey, Esquire |
Senior Executive Vice President
MBNA America Bank, N.A.
Wilmington, DE |
Paul Cherecwich, Esquire |
Vice President (Tax) and Tax Counsel
Cordant Technologies, Inc.
Salt Lake City, UT |
John Chung, EA |
Co-owner, Moryadas Associates, L.L.C.
Greenbelt, MD |
N. Jerold Cohen, Esquire |
New IRSAC Chair
Partner, Sutherland, Asbill & Brennan
Atlanta, GA |
Margaret Ferguson, EA |
Enrolled Agent
Vista, CA |
Nancy Goedecke, EA |
Owner, Taxes & Money Management
Hudson, MA |
Roger Harris,EA |
Padgett Business Services, USA, Inc.
Athens, GA |
Alan Hauff Small Business |
Program Specialist
School of Business Administration
University of Missouri (St. Louis)
St. Louis, MO |
Michael Jones |
Director, National Payroll Services
Columbus, OH |
Eliot Kaplan, Esquire |
Member, Lathrop & Gage, L.C.
Kansas City, MO |
Michael Mares, CPA |
Member, Witt, Mares & Company
Newport News, VA |
James R. Murray, CPA |
Tax Director, PacifiCorp
Portland, OR |
Danny Payne |
Tax Commissioner
Commonwealth of Virginia
Richmond, VA |
Roy Quick, Jr., EA |
Co-owner, Quick Tax and Accounting
St. Louis, MO |
Jane Schouten |
Regional Coordinator
AARP’s Tax-Aide Program
Great Lakes Region
Elm Grove, WI |
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