IRS News Release  
May 27, 2004

TE/GE Advisory Committee to Hold Public Meeting

WASHINGTON - The Internal Revenue Service´s Advisory Committee on Tax Exempt and Government Entities (ACT) will hold a public meeting June 9, 2004, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at IRS headquarters, 1111 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C.

The 17-member panel includes external stakeholders and representatives who deal with employee retirement plans, tax-exempt organizations, tax-exempt bonds and federal, state, local and Indian tribal governments. ACT members are appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury and generally serve two-year terms. They advise the IRS on operational policies and procedures.

During the meeting, five project teams will present recommendations to the Commissioner and senior leadership of the IRS´s Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division (TE/GE). The projects cover:

  • Barriers to voluntary compliance by federal, state and local governments,
  • Indian tribal government guidance priorities,
  • Employee Plans operational guidance,
  • Audit cycle time and communications for Employee Plans and Tax Exempt Bonds, and
  • Enhancing enforcement and compliance efforts in Exempt Organizations.
  • The project reports and proceedings of the meeting will be made public under the Federal Advisory Committee Act.

Due to limited seating and security requirements, members of the public interested in attending the meeting should call Demetrice Bess to confirm their attendance. She can be reached at 202-283-9954 (not a toll-free number). Attendees are encouraged to arrive at least 30 minutes before the session begins.

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