IRS News Releases  
April 19, 2005

IRS Seeking ETAAC Applicants

WASHINGTON - The Internal Revenue Service is seeking applications to fill seven vacancies on the Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee.

ETAAC, a 14-member panel, provides an organized public forum for discussion of electronic tax administration issues in support of a major IRS goal: paperless filing of tax and information returns. ETAAC members are appointed by the Secretary of Treasury and serve a three-year term.

“The ETAAC panel plays a critical role in electronic tax administration. It helps develop and implement IRS strategy. It suggests improvements. It offers its opinion on current or proposed policies, programs and procedures,’ said Bert DuMars, IRS Electronic Tax Administration director. “By applying for membership in ETAAC, you could serve on this important committee.’

The ETAAC will research, analyze, consider and make recommendations on a wide range of electronic tax administration issues and will provide input into the development of the strategic plan for electronic tax administration. Each June, the ETAAC submits an annual report to Congress reporting on the progress of the IRS´ electronic tax initiatives.

Applications can be made by letter or by completing an application form, available on the IRS Web site. A notice published in the Federal Register on Feb. 28, 2005, contains more details about ETAAC and the application process.

Applications should be sent to Kim Logan, MITS-ETA, Strategic Services Division, Internal Revenue Service, OS:CIO:I:ET:S:RM, 5000 Ellin Road (C4-226), Lanham, MD 20706. Applications can also be faxed to 202-283-4829 (not a toll-free number) or e-mailed to

The deadline for submitting applications is April 29, 2005.

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