IRS News Releases  
IR-2006-155 October 3, 2006

IRS Announces Availability of 2006 Special Enrollment Exam

WASHINGTON - The Internal Revenue Service announced today that the new version of the 2006 IRS Special Enrollment Examination (SEE) is ready. The test, required for those who want to become Enrolled Agents, has been substantially revised and is being offered more often and in more places than in the past. The first testing window begins October 5, 2006.

The exam has been reformatted from four sections to three, to more accurately reflect the current state of the art in taxpayer representation. Each of the three new sections (Individuals, Businesses, and Representation, Practice and Procedures) will have about 100 questions.

IRS worked with Thomson Prometric, a company specializing in assessment services, to develop the test. The exam was redesigned with new content derived from extensive involvement by subject matter experts from the Enrolled Agent community.

Significantly, additional changes make taking the test more convenient than ever:

  • The examination will be offered throughout the year, providing candidates the opportunity to take the examination at a time that fits their schedules;
  • The test will be offered at approximately 290 testing center sites throughout, in a highly secure, professional testing environment;
  • Candidates are no longer required to take the entire exam in one sitting;
  • Starting in May, 2007, candidates will have their exam results in hand before leaving the test site;
  • If necessary, candidates will be able to re-take each part of the examination several times each year; and
  • There is no longer a deadline for registering. Candidates now apply on-line throughout the year, and pay with a credit card.

There are more than 42,000 Enrolled Agents currently practicing in the United States.

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