IRS News Releases  
IR-2007-179 October 31, 2007

IRS Tax Talk Today Focuses on Worker Classification

WASHINGTON - The IRS�s November 6, 2007 Tax Talk Today Webcast, �What�s Hot in Employment Taxes: Independent Contractor or Employee?�, will focus exclusively on worker classification issues. The program starts at 2 p.m. ET.

A critical issue for all businesses is properly classifying workers as employees or independent contractors.

During the live, one-hour Webcast, a panel of experts will discuss legislative and judicial background and recent changes regarding worker classification, why the worker classification issue is important and what the IRS is doing about it, and what workers who feel they have been misclassified can do to correct their situation.

Tax professionals and business persons who wish to learn about the subject of worker classification are encouraged to watch and submit questions. The live Webcast enables viewers to ask questions via e-mail to the panelists and receive on-air answers.

Panelists will be Mary C. Gorman, Attorney, IRS Counsel; Richard Schampers, Senior Program Analyst, Employment Tax Policy, IRS; Joseph Tiberio, Program Manager, Employment Tax Policy, IRS; Rebecca Wilson, Attorney, IRS Counsel; Michael P. O'Toole, Esq., Senior Director, Publications and Government Relations, American Payroll Association; and F. Gordon Spoor, CPA/PFS, Spoor & Associates, P.A.

To access the Webcast at no charge, viewers can register online at Tax professionals in need of continuing education credits (CECs) are eligible to receive one CEC by viewing the November Webcast.

Archived shows are available on the Web site.

Mark your calendars for the Tuesday, December 11, 2007 and Tuesday, January 8, 2008 shows, which focus on �Getting Ready for Filing Season 2008� for individuals and businesses respectively.

October�s show � �The ABC�s of OPR� � is now available to view via archive.

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