IRS News Releases  
IR-2007-182 November 2, 2007

IRS Announces New Chinese, Korean, Russian and
Vietnamese Tax Glossaries to Assist Taxpayers

WASHINGTON - The Internal Revenue Service today announced the availability of five new publications to help foreign-language communities understand federal tax forms and publications that are written in English. These new glossaries of tax terminology will help meet increased demand for tax-related resources in languages other than English.

The five new publications are new versions of Publication 850 for Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Korean, Russian and Vietnamese. A Spanish version was previously available.

The Virtual Translation Office of the IRS helped create these glossaries of tax terminology to help taxpayers and the professionals who assist them. The publications were developed in cooperation with professional translators and editors to establish uniformity in language usage in IRS tax products and to function as reference materials for these products.

Although the publications are not legal documents, the IRS hopes that these glossaries will be useful to members of the U.S. Chinese, Korean, Russian and Vietnamese communities in understanding IRS documents and clarifying tax-related issues.

The new publications are:

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