IRS News Releases  

2009 IRS News Releases

News Releases are issued by the IRS whenever there is information of importance that needs to be released to the public or practitioner community.

The numbering system identifies the year and the number of the News Release. Fact Sheets are identified with filenames beginning "FS-2009" followed by the number of the fact sheet.

IR-2009-41 April 13, 2009
Beware of IRS� 2009 �Dirty Dozen� Tax Scams
The Internal Revenue Service today issued its 2009 �dirty dozen� list of tax scams, including schemes involving phishing, hiding income offshore and false claims for refunds.
IR-2009-40 April 10, 2009
IRS Offers Reminders as Tax Filing Deadline Nears
The Internal Revenue Service offers last minute reminders to taxpayers who have not yet filed a tax return, paid what they owe or requested an extension of time to file as the April 15 tax filing and payment deadline approaches.
IR-2009-39 April 9, 2009
IRS Offers Tax Payment Options
The Internal Revenue Service today reminded taxpayers to file their federal tax returns and pay any taxes they owe by the April 15 deadline.
IR-2009-38 April 7, 2009
IRS Chief Counsel Selects Jonathan Forman as 2009-2010 Professor in Residence
Internal Revenue Service Acting Chief Counsel Clarissa C. Potter has selected Jonathan Forman as the 2009-2010 Professor in Residence.
IR-2009-37 April 7, 2009
Credit and Debit Card Fees Related to Tax Payment are Deductible
Credit or debit card convenience fees charged for paying federal individual income taxes electronically are deductible for some taxpayers who itemize, the Internal Revenue Service announced today.
IR-2009-36 April 7, 2009
IRS Urges Taxpayers To e-file Extension Requests by April 15 Filing Deadline
Taxpayers who need more time to complete their returns should submit their requests for an automatic extension electronically by April 15, the Internal Revenue Service urged today.
IR-2009-35 April 7, 2009
IRS Suspends Tax Practitioner for Failing To Provide Service Related to Offers in Compromise
An enrolled agent was suspended from practice before the Internal Revenue Service by the Office of Professional Responsibility on April 6 for not performing services related to offers in compromise (OIC) paid for by taxpayers.
IR-2009-34 April 6, 2009
IRS Seeks Nominations for Information Reporting Program Advisory Committee
The Internal Revenue Service is requesting membership nominations for the Information Reporting Program Advisory Committee. The deadline for submitting applications is May 29, 2009.
IR-2009-33 April 3, 2009
IRS Issues Guidance on New Build America Bonds
The Internal Revenue Service today issued guidance on the new Build America Bond program. This program allows state and local governments to issue taxable bonds for capital projects and to receive a new direct federal subsidy payment from the Treasury Department for a portion of their borrowing costs.
IR-2009-32 April 2, 2009
IRS Grants Minnesota, North Dakota Flood Victims until May 15 To File Tax Returns, Make Payments
Victims of severe flooding in Minnesota an d North Dakota have an extra 30 days, until May 15, to file their 2008 individual tax returns and pay any taxes due, the Internal Revenue Service announced today.
IR-2009-31 March 31, 2009
Visits to Up Sharply as Taxpayers Go Online to Get Tax Information
The number of visitors to is up more than 24 percent compared with last year, and more taxpayers rely on the Internal Revenue Service�s online resources to get answers to tax questions on the economic recovery legislation and to prepare and file tax returns accurately and timely.
IR-2009-30 March 30, 2009
Special Tax Break Available for New Car Purchases This Year
The Internal Revenue Service announced today that taxpayers who buy a new passenger vehicle this year may be entitled to deduct state and local sales and excise taxes paid on the purchase on their 2009 tax returns next year.
IR-2009-29 March 26, 2009
First $2,400 of Unemployment Benefits Tax Free for 2009
All or part of unemployment benefits received in 2009 will be tax free for many unemployed workers, according to the Internal Revenue Service.
IR-2009-28 March 24, 2009
IRS Seeks Volunteers for Taxpayer Advocacy Panel
The Internal Revenue Service seeks civic-minded volunteers to serve on the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP), which listens to taxpayers, identifies key issues and makes recommendations for improving IRS service.
IR-2009-27 March 18, 2009
First-Time Homebuyers Have Several Options to Maximize New Tax Credit
As part of the Treasury Department�s consumer outreach effort and with the April 15 individual tax filing deadline approaching, the Internal Revenue Service today began a concerted effort to educate taxpayers about additional options at their disposal to claim the new $8,000 first-time homebuyer credit for 2009 home purchases. For people who recently purchased a home or are considering buying in the next few months, there are several different ways that they can get this tax credit even if they�ve already filed their tax return.
IR-2009-26 March 16, 2009
New Law Extends Net Operating Loss Carryback for Small Businesses; IRS To Ensure Refunds Paid Timely
The Internal Revenue Service announced today that small businesses with deductions exceeding their income in 2008 can use a new net operating loss tax provision to get a refund of taxes paid in prior years.
IR-2009-25 March 16, 2009
IRS, Partners Mark Super Saturday March 21 to Help Taxpayers
The Internal Revenue Service and scores of its community partners will open their doors on Saturday, March 21, to help people who need free tax preparation, a question answered or a payment schedule arranged.
IR-2009-24 March 13, 2009
IRS Eliminates Inserts Related to Business Mailing
In an effort to improve its communications with taxpayers, the Internal Revenue Service will eliminate the nearly dozen inserts that go into a notice informing businesses that they owe additional tax.
IR-2009-23 March 13, 2009
Filing Tax Returns from Home Computers Up 20 Percent in 2009
Taxpayers are e-filing their Federal income tax returns from their home computers in record numbers this year the IRS announced today. As of March 6, more than 18 million income tax returns were filed from home computers, up 20 percent compared to the same time last year.
IR-2009-22 March 13, 2009
IRS Releases 2008 Data Book
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) today announced the release of the 2008 IRS Data Book, which is an annual snapshot of IRS activities for a given fiscal year.
IR-2009-21 March 11, 2009
Interest Rates Drop for the Second Quarter of 2009
The Internal Revenue Service today announced that interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning April 1, 2009, will drop by one percentage point. The new rates will be: � four (4) percent for overpayments [three (3) percent in the case of a corporation]; � four (4) percent for underpayments; � six (6) percent for large corporate underpayments; and � one and one-half (1.5) percent for the portion of a corporate overpayment exceeding $10,000.
IR-2009-20 March 6, 2009
Taxpayers Filing Earlier and Banking Larger Refunds in 2009
Taxpayers are filing earlier and receiving larger refunds so far this year, according to early filing season statistics released today by the Internal Revenue Service.
IR-2009-19 March 5, 2009
IRS Conducts Extensive Review, Decides Not to Renew Private Debt Collection Contracts
After conducting an extensive review of the private debt collection program, including the cost effectiveness of the effort, the Internal Revenue Service will not renew its contracts with two private debt collection agencies, the agency announced today.
IR-2009-18 March 5, 2009
IRS Seeks New Issues for the Industry Issue Resolution Program
The Internal Revenue Service is encouraging business taxpayers, associations and other interested parties to submit to the Industry Issue Resolution (IIR) Program tax issues for resolution involving a controversy, a dispute or an unnecessary burden on business taxpayers.
IR-2009-17 March 3, 2009
IRS Issues Winter 2009 Statistics Of Income Bulletin
The Internal Revenue Service today released the winter 2009 issue of the Statistics of Income Bulletin, which features information on 138.4 million individual income tax returns filed for tax year 2006. Of those returns, about 93 million, or 67 percent, were taxable, which means that the taxpayer reported total income tax greater than zero. The total number of taxable returns in tax year 2006 was up 2.4 percent from 2005.
IR-2009-16 March 3, 2009
IRS Has $1.3 Billion for People Who Have Not Filed a 2005 Tax Return
Unclaimed refunds totaling approximately $1.3 billion are awaiting over a million people who did not file a federal income tax return for 2005, the Internal Revenue Service announced today. However, to collect the money, a return for 2005 must be filed with the IRS no later than Wednesday, April 15, 2009.
IR-2009-15 February 26, 2009
IRS Releases Information to Help Employers Claim COBRA Medical Coverage Credit on Payroll Tax Form
The Internal Revenue Service today released new detailed information that will help employers claim credit for the COBRA medical premiums they pay for their former employees.
IR-2009-14 February 25, 2009
Expanded Tax Break Available for 2009 First-Time Homebuyers
The Internal Revenue Service announced today that taxpayers who qualify for the first-time homebuyer credit and purchase a home this year before Dec. 1 have a special option available for claiming the tax credit either on their 2008 tax returns due April 15 or on their 2009 tax returns next year.
IR-2009-13 Feb 21, 2009
New Withholding Tables Now Available on; Most Workers Will See Bigger Paychecks this Spring
The Internal Revenue Service today released new withholding tables that will result in more take-home pay this spring for millions of American workers.
IR-2009-12 February 2, 2009
IRS Seeks Members for Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee
The Internal Revenue Service is accepting applications to fill vacancies on the Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee. The committee members provide the IRS with constructive observations about current or proposed policies, programs and procedures in electronic tax administration.
IR-2009-11 January 30, 2009
For Many Investors, Year-End Forms to Arrive Later
Many investors will receive their year-end tax statements later than in past years, but these forms are likely to be more accurate, according to the Internal Revenue Service.
FS-2009-09 January 2009
EITC Eligibility Rules Outlined
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a tax credit for people who work but do not earn high incomes. The EITC is a valuable tool helping eligible taxpayers to lower their taxes or to claim a refund. The IRS wants all eligible taxpayers to claim this credit.
FS-2009-08 January 2009
Tax Law Changes Related to National Disaster Relief
The National Disaster Relief Act of 2008, Subtitle B or Title VII of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, signed into law on Oct. 3, 2008, as Public Law 110-343, provides tax relief for victims of federally declared disasters occurring after Dec. 31, 2007, and before January 1, 2010.
IR-2009-10 January 30, 2009
IRS Offers Tips to Avoid Recovery Rebate Credit Confusion
In response to errors showing up on early tax filings, the Internal Revenue Service today urged taxpayers and tax preparers to make sure they properly determine eligibility for the recovery rebate credit before they file their 2008 federal tax returns.
IR-2009-09 January 30, 2009
Free Tax Help Available Nationwide
Nearly 12,000 free tax preparation sites will be open nationwide this year as the Internal Revenue Service continues to expand its partnerships with nonprofit and community organizations performing vital tax preparation services for low-income and elderly taxpayers.
IR-2009-08 January 30, 2009
IRS and Partners Mark EITC Awareness Day with Nationwide Events; EITC Could Mean Bigger Refunds for Millions of Taxpayers
The Internal Revenue Service and community partners nationwide today kicked off EITC Awareness Day to promote a tax credit that could be a critical financial lifeline to many Americans this year.
FS-2009-07 January 2009
How to Choose a Tax Preparer and Avoid Preparer Fraud
Return preparer fraud involves the preparation and filing of false income tax returns by preparers who claim inflated personal or business expenses, false deductions, unallowable credits or excessive exemptions on returns prepared for their clients. Preparers may, for example, manipulate income figures to fraudulently obtain tax credits, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit.
FS-2009-06 January 2009
IRS Offers Free Tax Help
Free tax help is available from the Internal Revenue Service for taxpayers by telephone, in person and via the Internet where information is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
FS-2009-05 January 2009
E-File and Other Electronic Options for 2009
Most taxpayers and tax preparers this year will use IRS e-file to file their tax returns or get extensions of time to file. During this process, they will not have to send a single scrap of paper to the Internal Revenue Service.
FS-2009-04 January 2009
The Official Internal Revenue Service Web Site Is
Millions of taxpayers this filing season will go online to retrieve tax forms, publications and other information from the Internal Revenue Service. Unfortunately, some of them will end up at Web sites that have no affiliation with the IRS.
FS-2009-03 January 2009
Recovery Rebate Credit Is for Individuals Who Missed Last Year�s Economic Stimulus Payment
The Recovery Rebate Credit is a special one-time benefit that most people received last year in the form of an Economic Stimulus Payment. But people who did not receive the maximum amount of the Economic Stimulus Payment, and whose circumstances have changed, may be eligible now.
FS-2009-02 January 2009
Tax Credits Provide Funds for First-Time Homebuyers, Childcare, Education and More
Tax credits can help pay the cost of raising a family, going to college, saving for retirement or getting daycare for dependents. But each year, many taxpayers overlook these credits, even though they often qualify for one or more.
FS-2009-01 January 2009
Highlights of 2008 Tax Law Changes: Tax Breaks Renewed, Recovery Rebate Credit, Homeowner Relief
AMT exemptions rise; several expiring deductions and credits get a new lease on life; a new standard property tax deduction and a special first-time homebuyer credit are available to some homeowners; and retirement savings incentives expand. These are among the changes taxpayers will find when they fill out their 2008 tax returns. More information about these and other changes, summarized below, can be found on and in various IRS documents, including the Instructions for Form 1040.
IR-2009-06 January 15, 2009
IRS and Telemundo Will Host Tax Information Program for Spanish-Speaking Taxpayers
The Internal Revenue Service will join national TV network Telemundo in an informative tax program aimed at Spanish-speaking taxpayers on Sunday, January 25.
IR-2009-05 January 14, 2009
E-File Opens for 2009 With New Features to Expand Taxpayer Access, Help Speed Refunds
The Internal Revenue Service today announced the January 16 opening of an expanded IRS e-file program for 2008 federal tax returns, highlighted by new features that will allow expanded access to electronic filing and help people looking for faster refunds.
IR-2009-04 January 13, 2009
Daily IRS Tax Tips Available For 2009 Filing Season
he Internal Revenue Service is offering a daily series of Tax Tips for the 2009 federal tax filing season that began this month.
IR-2009-03 January 7, 2009
National Taxpayer Advocate Urges Tax Simplification and Compassionate Treatment of Taxpayers Hit by Recession
National Taxpayer Advocate Nina E. Olson today released her annual report, urging Congress to greatly simplify the tax code and recommending measures to reduce the burden on taxpayers who are struggling to pay their tax bills.
IR-2009-02 January 6, 2009
IRS Begins Tax Season 2009 with Steps to Help Financially Distressed Taxpayers; Promotes Credits, e-File Options
The Internal Revenue Service today kicked off the 2009 tax filing season by announcing a number of new steps to help financially distressed taxpayers maximize their refunds and speed payments while providing additional help to people struggling to meet their tax obligations.
IR-2009-01 January 5, 2009
IRS Announces New Advisory Council Members
The Internal Revenue Service today announced the selection of four new members of the Internal Revenue Service Advisory Council (IRSAC), which provides an organized public forum for IRS officials and representatives of the public to discuss key tax administration issues.


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