Income tax withheld on nonpayroll items can no longer be reported on Form 941.
Nonpayroll items include the following.
- Pensions, annuities and IRAs
This non payroll withholding must be reported on Form 945. Form 945 is an annual income
tax return, and the return for 1995 will be due January 31, 1996. Form 945 for tax year
1996 will be due January 31, 1997.
Generally, all income tax withholding reported on Forms 1099 or W2-G must be reported
on Form 945.
The federal tax deposit rules for Form 945 are basically the same as for Form 941.
Refer to Topic 757 for more information on federal tax deposits. Be sure to mark the
"Form 945" checkbox on the Federal Tax Deposit Coupon, Form 8109. Do not combine
the Form 945 deposits with deposits for payroll taxes.
Publication 15, Employer's Tax Guide, provides more information on Form 945.
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