Line 66 - Amount Overpaid
If Line 66 is under $1, we will send a refund only on written request. If you want to check the status of your refund, please wait at least 4 weeks from the date you filed your return to do so. See page
11 for details.

If the amount you overpaid is large, you may want to decrease the amount
of income tax withheld from your pay. See Income Tax Withholding and
Estimated Tax Payments for 2001 on
page 53.
Refund Offset
If you owe past-due Federal tax, state income tax, child support, spousal support,
or certain Federal nontax debts, such as student loans, all or part of the overpayment
on Line 66 may be used (offset) to pay the past-due amount. Offsets for Federal taxes
are made by the IRS. All other offsets are made by the Treasury Department�s Financial
Management Service (FMS). You will receive a notice from FMS showing the amount of the
offset and the agency receiving it. To find out if you may have an offset or if you have
any questions about it, contact the agency(ies) you owe the debt to.
Injured Spouse Claim
If you file a joint return and your spouse has not paid past-due Federal tax, state income tax, child support, spousal support, or a Federal nontax debt, such as a student loan, part or all of the overpayment on Line
66 may be used (offset) to pay the past-due amount. But your part of the overpayment may be refunded to you after the offset occurs if certain conditions apply and you complete Form 8379. For details, use Tele-Tax Topic 203 or see Form 8379.
Lines 67b Through 67d - Direct Deposit of Refund
Complete Lines 67b through 67d if you want us to directly deposit the amount shown on Line
67a into your account at a bank or other financial institution (such as a mutual fund, brokerage firm, or credit union) instead of sending you a check.
Why Use Direct Deposit?
- You get your refund fast--even faster if you e-file!
- Payment is more secure--there is no check to get lost.
- More convenient. No trip to the bank to deposit your check.
- Saves tax dollars. A refund by direct deposit costs less than a check.
You can check with your financial institution to make sure your deposit will be accepted and to get the correct routing and account numbers.
The IRS is not responsible for a lost refund if you enter the wrong
account information.
If you file a joint return and fill in lines 67b through 67d, you are appointing your
spouse as an agent to receive the refund. This appointment cannot be changed later.
Line 67b - Routing Number
The routing number must be nine digits. The first two digits must be 01 through 12 or 21 through 32. Otherwise, the direct deposit will be rejected and a check sent instead. On the sample check on page 51, the
routing number is 250250025.
Your check may state that it is payable through a bank different from the financial
institution at which you have your checking account. If so, do not use the routing number
on that check. Instead, contact your financial institution for the correct routing number
to enter on Line 67b.
Line 67d - Account Number
The account number can be up to 17 characters (both numbers and letters). Include
hyphens but omit spaces and special symbols. Enter the number from left to right and
leave any unused boxes blank. On the sample
check, the account number is 20202086. Be sure not to include the check number.

Some financial institutions will not allow a joint refund to be deposited
into an individual account. If the direct deposit is rejected, a check will be
sent instead. The IRS is not responsible if a financial institution refuses a
direct deposit.
Line 68 - Applied to 2001 Estimated Tax
Enter on Line 68 the amount, if any, of the overpayment on
Line 66 you want applied to your 2001 estimated
tax. We will apply this amount to your account unless you attach a statement requesting
us to apply it to your spouse�s account. Include your spouse�s social security number in
the attached statement. This election to apply part or all of the amount overpaid to your
2001 estimated tax cannot be changed later.
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