2000 Tax Help Archives  

Reporting Fraud

This is archived information that pertains only to the 2000 Tax Year. If you
are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.

Who should I call to report someone who is not filing tax returns?

If you believe someone is violating federal tax laws, you should contact the IRS at 800-829-0433, the Criminal Investigation Hotline. If you prefer, you may provide your information in writing to your local IRS office, or the Criminal Investigation Branch at the service center where you file your return. Refer to your tax package for the address of your service center. Although you are not required to identify yourself, it is helpful to do so. Your identity will be kept confidential. You may also be entitled to a reward.

If I have knowledge that a business is making cash transactions and is not reporting it, how do I notify the IRS about this?

If you have knowledge of tax fraud being committed, you may make an anonymous report toll free to 800-829-0433.

How can I make sure no one files under my name using my social security number?

Your concern may be the result of having had your e-file return rejected with an error message that your social security number has already been used on another return for the same tax year. Whether the cause of this rejection is the result of a typo on another return or an attempt by another party to claim your exemption, the IRS has security measures in place to verify the accuracy of tax returns and validity of social security numbers submitted. If, however, you have knowledge of tax fraud being committed, you may make an anonymous report toll free to 800-829-0433.

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