2000 Tax Help Archives  

Exchange Rate

This is archived information that pertains only to the 2000 Tax Year. If you
are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.

Is there an Internet site with the exchange rates to convert foreign currencies to American dollars?

You can obtain the currency exchange rates at the Department of Commerce or at the Federal Reserve Board web sites.


I have interest income from a foreign bank account and the earnings are reported in that country's currency. What are the procedures for reporting earnings in U.S. funds for Schedule B?

You must express the amounts you report on your U.S. tax return in U.S. dollars. If you receive all or part of your income or pay some or all of your expenses in foreign currency, you must translate the foreign currency into U.S. dollars.

When you receive an interest or dividend payment, you must immediately translate the income into U.S. dollars. You should use the exchange rate prevailing when you receive the income. If there is more than one exchange rate, use the one that most properly reflects your income. You can generally get exchange rates from banks and U.S. Embassies. Other possible sources of exchange rates would be publications, such as the Wall Street Journal.

You can obtain the currency exchange rates at the Department of Commerce or at the Federal Reserve Board web sites.


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