2000 Tax Help Archives  

Savings Bonds

This is archived information that pertains only to the 2000 Tax Year. If you
are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.

I cashed some Series E, Series EE and Series I savings bond in, how do I report the interest?

If your total taxable interest for the year is more than $400, you report (and separately identify) the interest on Schedule B of Form 1040 or Schedule 1 of Form 1040A. If your total interest is not more than $400 for the year, report the savings bond interest with your other interest on the "Interest" line of your tax return.


How do I determine how much interest to report on U.S. savings bonds I inherited?

You may have choices, but it will depend on several factors. Before your question can be answered, you'll need to know:

  • the date of death,
  • the type of bond you inherited (Series EE, Series E, Series I, or Series HH, or Series H),
  • whether the deceased was reporting the interest yearly or not, and
  • whether any of the interest was included on the decedent's final income tax return.

Once you have these facts, you can find your answer and any options that may be available by reading the appropriate section of Publication 550, or call 800-829-1040.


Is deferred interest on a U.S. savings bond (series EE, E, or I) that I inherited taxable to the deceased owner's estate, to the deceased on his or her final tax return, or to me when I cash them?

The deferred interest is not taxable to the estate. It is going to either be reported on the final return of the decedent or be reported by you, depending on the choice you make.

You may have choices, but it will depend on several factors. Before your question can be answered, you'll need to know:

  • the date of death,
  • the type of bond you inherited (Series EE, Series E, Series I, or Series HH, or Series H),
  • whether the deceased was reporting the interest yearly or not, and
  • whether any of the interest was included on the decedent's final income tax return.

Once you have these facts, you can find your answer and any options that may be available by reading the appropriate section of Publication 550, or call 800-829-1040.


Can interest from some inherited U.S. savings bonds be claimed on the decedent's final return and interest from other inherited U.S. savings bonds be included as interest to the beneficiary?

Yes, this can occur in a couple of different ways and it can occur as the result of a choice made by the decedent's personal representative.

You may have choices, but it will depend on several factors. Before your question can be answered, you'll need to know:

  • the date of death,
  • the type of bond you inherited (Series EE, Series E, Series I, or Series HH, or Series H),
  • whether the deceased was reporting the interest yearly or not, and
  • whether any of the interest was included on the decedent's final income tax return.

Once you have these facts, you can find your answer and any options that may be available by reading the appropriate section of Publication 550, or call 800-829-1040.


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