2000 Tax Help Archives  

1040PC Format Return

This is archived information that pertains only to the 2000 Tax Year. If you
are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.

If you traditionally use the Form 1040PC format to file your tax return, please note that the IRS will no longer accept tax returns submitted in the Form 1040PC format. This discontinuation parallels IRS's decision to support electronic filing and payment options for individual taxpayers as the preferred way of doing business in the future. The availability of e-file from a personal computer and the addition of more complex returns to the IRS e-file program have further reduced the need for the Form 1040PC format. Taxpayers and Tax Preparers accustomed to the Form 1040PC format should note that this paper filing option will not exist for the 2000 Tax Year. You are encouraged to consider IRS e-file, the fastest, most accurate way to file!

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