2000 Tax Help Archives  

Electronic Filing

This is archived information that pertains only to the 2000 Tax Year. If you
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Last year over 35 million Americans used IRS e-file to file their income tax return electronically. The IRS e-file program offers fast, accurate, safe, and convenient alternatives to filing a traditional paper return. These alternatives include filing through a tax professional, a personal computer, or over the telephone (TeleFile). Electronic payment options are also available.

What are the benefits?

  1. Free Filing!   For free tax preparation and filing options visit Electronic Services].
  2. Fast Refunds!   You get your refund in half the time, even faster and safer with Direct Deposit. Direct Deposit is a simple, safe, convenient way to have your Federal income tax refund deposited automatically into your checking or savings account.
  3. Security!   Your privacy and security are assured.
  4. Paperless Filing!   Create your own Personal Identification Number (PIN) and file a completely paperless return. There are no forms to mail!
  5. Accuracy!   Your chance of getting an error notice from the IRS is significantly reduced because IRS e-file is more accurate (less than 1% error rate) than mailing a paper return.
  6. Proof of Acceptance!   You receive an electronic acknowledgement within 48 hours that the IRS has accepted your return for processing.
  7. Electronic Payments!   Convenient, safe and secure electronic payment options are available. If you have a balance due on your individual tax return, you can schedule a direct debit payment for withdrawal up to and including the return due date or pay by credit card. These payment options are also available for other types of tax payments including estimated payments and those related to extensions of time to file a tax return.
  8. File Federal and State Taxes Together and Double the Benefits of e-file!   Prepare and file both federal and state returns in the time it takes to prepare one.

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