An LLC is an entity formed under state law by filing articles of
organization as an LLC.
An LLC with two or more members is classified as a partnership for
federal income tax purposes unless it elects to be taxed as a
corporation or was formed before 1997 and was taxed as a corporation.
An LLC with one member is not treated as a separate entity for income
tax purposes unless it elects to be taxed as a corporation.
If an LLC is not treated as a separate entity, its member reports
the LLC income and expenses on Schedule C or C-EZ (Form 1040) or
Schedule F (Form 1040) as if the LLC were a sole proprietorship. If
the LLC is classified as a partnership, it files Form 1065. If the LLC
is classified as a corporation, it files Form 1120. If the LLC is
classified as a corporation and makes the election to be taxed as an S
corporation, it files Form 1120S.
If an LLC is treated as a partnership, see Publication 541
information on partnerships. If it is treated as a corporation, see
Publication 542
for information on corporations.
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