2001 Tax Help Archives  

Publication 598 2001 Tax Year

Average Adjusted Basis

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This is archived information that pertains only to the 2001 Tax Year. If you
are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.

The average adjusted basis of debt-financed property is the average of the adjusted basis of the property as of the first day and as of the last day that the organization holds the property during the tax year.

Determining the average adjusted basis of the debt-financed property is not affected if the organization was exempt from tax for prior tax years. The basis of the property must be adjusted properly for the entire period after the property was acquired. As an example, adjustment must be made for depreciation during all prior tax years whether or not the organization was tax-exempt. If only part of the depreciation allowance may be taken into account in computing the percentage of deductions allowable for each debt-financed property, that does not affect the amount of the depreciation adjustment to use in determining average adjusted basis.

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