Tax Help Archives  
Pub. 503, Child and Dependent Care Expenses 2004 Tax Year


This is archived information that pertains only to the 2004 Tax Year. If you
are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.


Taxpayer identification number, Adoption taxpayer identification number (ATIN).
Aliens, Individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) for aliens.
Alternative minimum tax (AMT), Limit on credit.
Amount of credit, Amount of Credit, Payments for previous year's expenses.
Amount of credit:
Limit on, Limit on credit.
Assistance (see Tax help)


Calculation of credit, How To Figure the Credit, Payments for previous year's expenses.
Calculation of credit:
Examples, Examples
Camp, overnight, Camp.
Dependent care benefits, Dependent care benefits., Dependent care benefits., Example 2. Dependent Care Benefits
Employer-provided benefits, Dependent Care Benefits
Example calculation, Example 1. Childcare — Two Children
Outside home, Care outside your home.
Provider identification, Provider Identification Test
Qualifying person, Care of a Qualifying Person
Divorced or separated parents, Child of Divorced or Separated Parents
Physically or mentally disabled, Qualifying Person Test
Under age 13, Qualifying Person Test
Work-related expense payments to relatives, Payments to Relatives
Claiming of credit, How To Claim the Credit
Claiming of credit:
Tests to claim credit (Figure A), Tests To Claim the Credit
Combat pay election, What's New, Figuring earned income.
Comments on publication, Comments and suggestions.
Community property, Community property laws.
Costs of keeping up home, Costs of keeping up a home.
Custodial parent, Custodial parent.


Death of spouse, Death of spouse.
Dependent care benefits, Dependent care benefits., Dependent Care Benefits
Dependent Care Benefits:
Earned income, Figuring earned income.
Dependent care benefits:
Example calculation, Example 2. Dependent Care Benefits
Dependent care centers, Dependent care center.
Dependents (see Qualifying person test)
Disabilities, persons with:
Dependents, Qualifying Person Test
Physically or mentally not able to care for self, Physically or mentally not able to care for oneself.
Spouse, Qualifying Person Test, Rule for student-spouse or spouse not able to care for self., Working or Looking for Work, Student-spouse or spouse not able to care for self.
Divorced parents, Child of Divorced or Separated Parents, Custodial parent.
Dollar limit, Dollar Limit, Yearly limit.
Dollar limit:
Reduced dollar limit, Tests To Claim the Credit, Reduced Dollar Limit
Domestic help, Housekeeper.
Due diligence, Due diligence.


Earned income test, Earned Income Test, Full-time student.
Earned income test:
Determination (Figure A), Tests To Claim the Credit
Earned income:
Dependent Care Benefits, Figuring earned income.
For figuring credit, Earned income.
Limit on, Earned Income Limit
Net loss, Net loss.
Nonworking spouse, Rule for student-spouse or spouse not able to care for self.
Self-employment earnings, Self-employment earnings.
Statutory employees, Statutory employee.
What is not, What is not earned income?
Education expenses, Education.
Employer-provided dependent care benefits, Dependent care benefits., Dependent Care Benefits
Employment taxes, Reminders, Taxes paid on wages., Employment Taxes for Household Employers
Exclusion from income:
Employer-provided dependent care benefits, Dependent care benefits., Exclusion or deduction.
Expenses:, How To Figure the Credit
(see also Work-related expenses)
2003 expenses paid in 2004 (Worksheet A),
Education, Education.
Medical, Medical expenses.
Not for care, Expenses not for care.
Prepaid, Expenses prepaid in an earlier year.
Reimbursed, Expenses reimbursed.


Families living together, Families living together.
Child of divorced or separated parents (Figure B), Adoption taxpayer identification number (ATIN).
Tests to claim credit (Figure A), Tests To Claim the Credit
Figuring credit, How To Figure the Credit, Payments for previous year's expenses.
Figuring credit:
Earned income, Earned income.
Examples, Examples
Filing status:
Joint return test, Joint Return Test
Tests to claim credit (Figure A), Tests To Claim the Credit
Forfeitures, Forfeitures.
Form 1040:
Claiming the credit, Tests To Claim the Credit, Form 1040.
Form 1040A, Schedule 2, Form 1040A.
Form 1040A:
Claiming the credit, Tests To Claim the Credit, Form 1040A.
Form 2441, Form 1040.
Form 4029, Members of certain religious faiths opposed to social security., Form 4029.
Form 4361, Members of certain religious faiths opposed to social security., Form 4361.
Form 8332, Child of Divorced or Separated Parents
Form W-10, Getting the information.
Form W-2:
Dependent care benefits, Statement for employee.
Form W-7, Individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) for aliens.
Free tax services, How To Get Tax Help


Help (see Tax help)
Home (see Keeping up home test)
Household services, Care of a Qualifying Person, Household Services, Meals and lodging provided for housekeeper.
Household services:
Employment taxes, Employment Taxes for Household Employers
Housekeepers, Housekeeper.


Identification of provider, Provider Identification Test, Provider refusal.
Work-related expenses during, Payments while you are out sick.
Individual taxpayer identification numbers (ITINs):
For aliens, Individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) for aliens.


Joint return test, Joint Return Test, Married and living apart.
Joint return test:
Tests to claim credit (Figure A), Tests To Claim the Credit


Keeping up home test, Keeping Up a Home Test, Cost determined monthly.
Keeping up home test:
Tests to claim credit (Figure A), Tests To Claim the Credit


Amount of credit, Limit on credit.
Dollar, Dollar Limit
Earned income, Earned Income Limit
Reduced dollar, Tests To Claim the Credit, Reduced Dollar Limit
Looking for work, Working or Looking for Work
Losses, Net loss.


Married and living apart, Married and living apart.
Meals and lodging for housekeeper, Meals and lodging provided for housekeeper.
Medical expenses, Medical expenses.
Missing children, photographs of, Reminders
More information (see Tax help)


Outside of home care, Care outside your home.


Part of year:
Persons qualifying for, Person qualifying for part of year.
Work or looking for work, Work for part of year.
Prepaid expenses, Expenses prepaid in an earlier year.
Provider identification test, Provider Identification Test, Provider refusal.
Provider identification test:
Tests to claim credit (Figure A), Tests To Claim the Credit
Public assistance benefits, Public assistance benefits.
Publications (see Tax help)


Qualifying person test, Qualifying Person Test, Custodial parent.
Qualifying person test:
Tests to claim credit (Figure A), Tests To Claim the Credit
Qualifying person:
Care for, Care of a Qualifying Person
Expenses not for care, Expenses not for care.


Recordkeeping requirements, How To Claim the Credit
Reduced dollar limit, Reduced Dollar Limit
Reduced dollar limit:
Tests to claim credit (Figure A), Tests To Claim the Credit
Refusal by provider to give information, Provider refusal.
Reimbursed expenses, Expenses reimbursed.
Relatives, payments to, Payments to Relatives
Relatives, payments to:
Tests to claim credit (Figure A), Tests To Claim the Credit
Religious faiths opposed to Social Security programs, Members of certain religious faiths opposed to social security.


Tax help, How To Get Tax Help
Taxes on wages (see Employment taxes)
Taxpayer Advocate, Contacting your Taxpayer Advocate.
Taxpayer identification number (TINs), Reminders, Taxpayer identification number.
Taxpayer identification number (TINs):
Adoption, Adoption taxpayer identification number (ATIN).
Aliens, Individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) for aliens.
Providers, Information needed.
Tests to claim credit, Tests To Claim the Credit, Provider refusal.
Tests to claim credit:
Determination (Figure A), Tests To Claim the Credit
Earned income, Earned Income Test
Keeping up home, Keeping Up a Home Test
Qualifying persons, Qualifying Person Test
Work-related expenses, Work-Related Expense Test
Transportation, Transportation.
TTY/TDD information, How To Get Tax Help


Unearned income, What is not earned income?


Volunteer work, Volunteer work.


Wages, taxes on (see Employment taxes)
Federal income tax, Employment Taxes for Household Employers
Work-related expense test, Work-Related Expense Test, Payments to Relatives
Work-related expense test:
Partly work-related expenses, Expenses partly work related.
Tests to claim credit (Figure A), Tests To Claim the Credit
Work-related expenses:
Earned income limit, Earned Income Limit
Figuring of credit, Figuring Total Work-Related Expenses
Medical, Medical expenses.
Paid following year, Expenses not paid until the following year., Payments for previous year's expenses.,
Partly work related expenses, Expenses partly work related.
Prepaid, Expenses prepaid in an earlier year.
Recordkeeping, How To Claim the Credit
Reimbursed, Expenses reimbursed.
2003 expenses paid in 2004 (Worksheet A),

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