Tax Help Archives  
Pub. 526, Charitable Contributions 2004 Tax Year


This is archived information that pertains only to the 2004 Tax Year. If you
are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.


Acknowledgement, Contributions of $250 or More
Adoption expenses, Personal Expenses
Appraisal fees, Appraisal Fees
Assistance (see Tax help)
Athletic events, Contributions From Which You Benefit


Bar association, Contributions to Nonqualified Organizations
Bargain sales, Bargain Sales
Benefits received from contribution, Contributions From Which You Benefit, Contributions From Which You Benefit
Blood donated, Value of Time or Services
Boats, fair market value, Cars, boats, and aircraft.


Capital gain property, Capital Gain Property
Car expenses, Car expenses., Car expenses.
Carryovers, Carryovers
Cars, fair market value, Cars, boats, and aircraft.
Cash contributions, records to keep, Cash Contributions
Charitable contribution, defined, Introduction
Charity benefit events, Charity benefit events.
Church deacon, Church deacon.
Clothing, fair market value of, Used clothing.
Comments on publication, Comments and suggestions.
Contributions from which you benefit, Contributions From Which You Benefit, Contributions From Which You Benefit
Contributions of property, Contributions of Property
Conventions, Conventions.


Deduction limits, Limits on Deductions


Fair market value, Determining Fair Market Value
Foreign organizations:, Examples.
Canadian, Examples.
Israeli, Israeli charities.
Mexican, Canadian charities.
Other, Contributions to Nonqualified Organizations
Form:, Noncash contributions.
8282, Form 8282.
8283, Noncash contributions.
Foster parents, Foster parents.
Free tax services, How To Get Tax Help
Future interests in property, Future interest in tangible personal property.


Help (see Tax help)
Household goods, fair market value of, Household goods.
How to report:, How To Report
Noncash contributions, How To Report
Student living with you, Reporting expenses for student living with you.


Inventory, Inventory.


Legislation, influencing, Contributions From Which You Benefit
Limits on deductions, Limits on Deductions


Meals, Personal Expenses
Membership fees or dues, Membership fees or dues.
More information (see Tax help)


Noncash contributions:, Noncash Contributions
How to report, How To Report
Records to keep, Noncash Contributions
Nondeductible contributions, Contributions You Cannot Deduct
Nonqualified organizations, Contributions to Nonqualified Organizations


Partial interests in property, Partial interest in property.
Penalty, valuation overstatement, Penalty
Property:, Contributions of Property, Property subject to a debt., Inventory.
Bargain sales, Bargain Sales
Basis, Giving Property That Has Decreased in Value
Capital gain, Capital Gain Property
Capital gain election, Capital gain property election.
Contributions of, Contributions of Property
Decreased in value, Giving Property That Has Decreased in Value
Fair market value, Determining Fair Market Value
Future interests, Future interest in tangible personal property.
Increased in value, Giving Property That Has Increased in Value
Inventory, Inventory.
Ordinary income, Ordinary Income Property
Partial interests, Partial interest in property.
Right to use, Right to use property.
Subject to debt, Property subject to a debt.
Unrelated use, Contributions of tangible personal property.
Publication 78, Publication 78.
Publications (see Tax help)


Raffle or bingo, Contributions From Which You Benefit
Records to keep, Records To Keep
Reporting, How To Report
Retirement home, Contributions From Which You Benefit
Right to use property, Right to use property.


Underprivileged youths, Underprivileged youths selected by charity.
Uniforms, Uniforms.
Use of property donated, Right to use property.


When to deduct, When To Deduct

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