Pub. 526, Charitable Contributions |
2004 Tax Year |
This is archived information that pertains only to the 2004 Tax Year. If you are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.
- Capital gain property, Capital Gain Property
- Car expenses, Car expenses., Car expenses.
- Carryovers, Carryovers
- Cars, fair market value, Cars, boats, and aircraft.
- Cash contributions, records to keep, Cash Contributions
- Charitable contribution, defined, Introduction
- Charity benefit events, Charity benefit events.
- Church deacon, Church deacon.
- Clothing, fair market value of, Used clothing.
- Comments on publication, Comments and suggestions.
- Contributions from which you benefit, Contributions From Which You Benefit, Contributions From Which You Benefit
- Contributions of property, Contributions of Property
- Conventions, Conventions.
- Fair market value, Determining Fair Market Value
- Foreign organizations:, Examples.
- Canadian, Examples.
- Israeli, Israeli charities.
- Mexican, Canadian charities.
- Other, Contributions to Nonqualified Organizations
- Form:, Noncash contributions.
- 8282, Form 8282.
- 8283, Noncash contributions.
- Foster parents, Foster parents.
- Free tax services, How To Get Tax Help
- Future interests in property, Future interest in tangible personal property.
- Partial interests in property, Partial interest in property.
- Penalty, valuation overstatement, Penalty
- Property:, Contributions of Property, Property subject to a debt., Inventory.
- Bargain sales, Bargain Sales
- Basis, Giving Property That Has Decreased in Value
- Capital gain, Capital Gain Property
- Capital gain election, Capital gain property election.
- Contributions of, Contributions of Property
- Decreased in value, Giving Property That Has Decreased in Value
- Fair market value, Determining Fair Market Value
- Future interests, Future interest in tangible personal property.
- Increased in value, Giving Property That Has Increased in Value
- Inventory, Inventory.
- Ordinary income, Ordinary Income Property
- Partial interests, Partial interest in property.
- Right to use, Right to use property.
- Subject to debt, Property subject to a debt.
- Unrelated use, Contributions of tangible personal property.
- Publication 78, Publication 78.
- Publications (see Tax help)
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