Pub. 530, Tax Information for First-Time Homeowners |
2004 Tax Year |
This is archived information that pertains only to the 2004 Tax Year. If you are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.
- MCC (Mortgage credit certificate), Who qualifies.
- Minister's or military housing allowance, Minister's or military housing allowance.
- More information (see Tax help)
- Mortgage credit certificate (MCC), Who qualifies.
- Mortgage insurance premiums, Items not added to basis and not deductible.
- Mortgage interest:
- Credit, Mortgage Interest Credit
- Deduction, Deductible Mortgage Interest
- Late payment charge, Late payment charge on mortgage payment.
- Paid at settlement, Mortgage Interest Paid at Settlement
- Refund, Refund of home mortgage interest., Refund of overpaid interest.
- Statement, Mortgage Interest Statement
- Mortgage prepayment penalty, Mortgage prepayment penalty.
- Real estate taxes, Real Estate Taxes
- Real estate taxes:
- Deductible, Deductible Real Estate Taxes
- Paid at settlement or closing, Real estate taxes paid at settlement or closing., Real estate taxes.
- Refund or rebate, Refund or rebate of real estate taxes.
- Recordkeeping, Keeping Records
- Refund of:
- Mortgage interest, Refund of home mortgage interest., Refund of overpaid interest.
- Real estate taxes, Refund or rebate of real estate taxes.
- Repairs, Repairs versus improvements.
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