Tax Help Archives  
Pub. 531, Reporting Tip Income 2004 Tax Year

This is archived information that pertains only to the 2004 Tax Year. If you
are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.

Sample Filled-in Form 4070 from Publication 1244. The graphic shows the a sample filled-in Form 4070.

Employee's name and address” field contains
John W. Allen
1117 Maple Ave.
Anytown, NY 14202
Social security number” field contains 987 00 4321
Employer's name and address (include establishment name, if different)” field contains
Diamond Restaurant
834 Main Street
Anytown, NY 14203
Cash tips received” field contains 1,024.00 “Credit card tips received” field contains 519.20 “Tips paid out” field contains 273.60 “Net tips (lines 1+2-3)” field contains 1,269.60 “Month or shorter period in which tips were received” field contains “from” October 1, 2004 “, to” October 31, 2004

    Signature” field contains John W. Allen “Date” field contains November 6, 2004

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