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Pub. 541, Partnerships 2004 Tax Year

This is archived information that pertains only to the 2004 Tax Year. If you
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Form 1065 (2003) Page 4. Summary: This is an example of Form 1065 (2003), page 4 as pertains to the description in the text. The line items are completed as follows:

Under “Analysis of Net Income (Loss)”:
1. Net income (loss). Combine Schedule K, lines 1 through 7 in column (b). From the result, subtract the sum of Schedule K, lines 8 through 11, 14a, 17g, and 18b” field contains 73,870
2a. Analysis by partner type: General partners--(ii) Individual active” field contains 73,870
Under “Schedule L: Balance Sheets per Books--Assets”:
1. Cash:
Beginning of tax year (b)” field contains 3,455
End of tax year (d)” field contains 3,350
2a Trade notes and accounts receivable:
Beginning of tax year (a)” field contains 7,150
End of tax year (c)” field contains 10,990
2b. Less allowance for bad debts:
Beginning of tax year (b)” field contains 7,150
End of tax year (d)” field contains 10,990
3. Inventories:
Beginning of tax year (b)” field contains 18,125
End of tax year (d)” field contains 19,225
5. Tax-exempt securities:
Beginning of tax year (b)” field contains 1,000
End of tax year (d)” field contains 1,000
8. Other investments (attach schedule):
Beginning of tax year (b)” field contains 1,000
End of tax year (d)” field contains 1,000
9a. Buildings and other depreciable assets:
Beginning of tax year (a)” field contains 15,000
End of tax year (c)” field contains 15,000
9b. Less accumulated depreciation:
Beginning of tax year (a)” field contains 4,000
Beginning of tax year (b)” field contains 11,000
End of tax year (c)” field contains 5,174
End of tax year (d)” field contains 9,826
14. Total assets:
Beginning of tax year (b)” field contains 41,730
End of tax year (d)” field contains 45,391
Under “Schedule L: Balance Sheets per Books--Liabilities and Capital”:
15. Accounts payable:
Beginning of tax year (b)” field contains 10,180
End of tax year (d)” field contains 10,462
16. Mortgages, notes, bonds payable in less than 1 year:
Beginning of tax year (b)” field contains 4,000
End of tax year (d)” field contains 3,600
19. Mortgages, notes, bonds payable in 1 year or more:
End of tax year (d)” field contains 7,739
21. Partners' capital accounts:
Beginning of tax year (b)” field contains 27,550
End of tax year (d)” field contains 23,590
22. Total liabilities and capital:
Beginning of tax year (b)” field contains 41,730
End of tax year (d)” field contains 45,391
Under “Schedule M-1: Reconciliation of Income (Loss) per Books With Income (Loss) per Return”:
1. Net income (loss) per books” field contains 48,920
3. Guaranteed payments (other than health insurance)” field contains 25,000
5. Add lines 1 through 4” field contains 73,920
6. Income recorded on books this year not included on Schedule K, lines 1 through 7 (itemize):” field contains 50
6a. Tax exempt interest” field contains 50
8. Add lines 6 and 7” field contains 50
9. Income (loss) (Analysis of Net Income (Loss), line 1). Subtract line 8 from line 5” field contains 73,870
Under “Schedule M-2: Analysis of Partners' Capital Accounts”:
1. Balance at beginning of year” field contains 27,550
3. Net income (loss) per books” field contains 48,920
5. Add lines 1 through 4” field contains 76,470
6a. Distributions: Cash” field contains 52,880
8. Add lines 6 and 7” field contains 52,880
9. Balance at end of year. Subtract line 8 from line 5” field contains 23,590

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