Tax Help Archives  
Pub. 560, Retirement Plans for Small Business 2004 Tax Year


This is archived information that pertains only to the 2004 Tax Year. If you
are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.


Annual additions, Annual additions.
Annual benefits, Annual benefits.
Assistance (see Tax help)


Business, definition, Business.


Comments on publication, Comments and suggestions.
Common-law employee, Common-law employee.
Compensation, Compensation., Compensation.
Defined, Contribution.
Qualified plans, Limits on Contributions and Benefits
SEP-IRAs, Contribution Limits
SIMPLE IRA plan, Contribution Limits


Deduction, Deduction.
Deduction worksheet for self-employed, Figuring your deduction.
Defined benefit plan:
Deduction limits, Defined benefit plans.
Limits on contributions, Defined benefit plan.
Defined contribution plan:
Deduction limits, Defined contribution plans.
Limits on contributions, Defined contribution plan.
Money purchase pension plan, Money purchase pension plan.
Profit-sharing plan, Profit-sharing plan.
Definitions you need to know, 1. Definitions You Need To Know
Disqualified person, Prohibited Transactions
Distributions (withdrawals), Distributions (Withdrawals)


Earned income, Earned income.
Eligible, Eligible employee., Eligible employee.
Excludable, Excludable employees.
Highly compensated, Highly compensated employee.
Leased, Leased employee.
Employer, Employer.
Excise tax:
Nondeductible (excess) contributions, Excise Tax for Nondeductible (Excess) Contributions
Reduced benefit accrual, Notification of Significant Benefit Accrual Reduction
Reversion of plan assets, Excise Tax on Reversion of Plan Assets
SEP excess contributions, Excise tax.
Excludable employees, Excludable employees.


Help (see Tax help)
Highly compensated employees, Highly compensated employee.


Keogh plans: (see Qualified plans)


Leased employee, Leased employee.


More information (see Tax help)


Net earnings from self-employment, Net earnings from self-employment.
Notification requirements, Notification Requirement


Participant, Participant.
Participation, Participation.
Partner, Partner.
Publications (see Tax help)


Qualified plans:, Limits on Contributions and Benefits
Assignment of benefits, Benefits must not be assigned or alienated.
Benefits starting date, Benefit payment must begin when required.
Contributions, Contributions, When Contributions Are Considered Made, Employer Contributions, Limits on Contributions and Benefits, Where To Deduct Contributions
Deduction limits, Deduction Limits, Defined contribution plans., Defined benefit plans., Deduction limit for multiple plans., Deduction Limit for Self-Employed Individuals, Carryover of Excess Contributions, Excise Tax for Nondeductible (Excess) Contributions
Deduction Worksheet for Self-Employed, 5. Table and Worksheets for the Self-Employed
Deductions, Employer Deduction
Deferrals, Elective Deferrals (401(k) Plans), Limit on Elective Deferrals, Treatment of contributions., Reporting on Form W-2., Treatment of Excess Deferrals
Defined benefit plan, Defined Benefit Plan
Defined contribution plan, Defined Contribution Plan
Distributions, Distributions
Minimum, Required Distributions
Required beginning date, Required beginning date.
Rollover, Rollover.
Tax on excess benefits, Tax on Excess Benefits
Tax on premature, Tax on Early Distributions
Tax treatment, Tax Treatment of Distributions
Employee nondeductible contributions, Employee Contributions
Investing plan assets, Investing Plan Assets
Kinds of plans, Kinds of Plans
Leased employees, Leased employee.
Minimum requirements:
Coverage, Minimum coverage requirement must be met.
Funding, Minimum Funding Requirement
Vesting, Minimum vesting standard must be met.
Prohibited transactions, Prohibited Transactions
Qualification rules, Qualification Rules
Rate Table for Self-Employed, 5. Table and Worksheets for the Self-Employed
Rate Worksheet for Self-Employed, 5. Table and Worksheets for the Self-Employed
Reporting requirements, Reporting Requirements
Setting up, Setting Up a Qualified Plan


Rate Table for Self-Employed, Rate table for self-employed.
Rate Worksheet for Self-Employed, Rate worksheet for self-employed.
Required distributions, Required Distributions


Salary reduction arrangement, Salary Reduction Simplified Employee Pension (SARSEP), Deferral percentage., Limit on Elective Deferrals
Self-employed individual, Self-employed individual.
SEP plans:
Deduction Worksheet for Self-Employed, 5. Table and Worksheets for the Self-Employed
Rate Table for Self-Employed, 5. Table and Worksheets for the Self-Employed
Rate Worksheet for Self-Employed, 5. Table and Worksheets for the Self-Employed
Contributions, Contributions for yourself.
Deductible contributions:, Deducting Contributions, Excise tax.
Carryover of excess contributions, Carryover of Excess SEP Contributions
Deduction limits, Deduction Limit for Contributions for Participants
Limits for self-employed, Deduction Limit for Self-Employed Individuals
Multiple plan limits, Deduction Limits for Multiple Plans
When to deduct, When To Deduct Contributions
Where to deduct, Where To Deduct Contributions
Distributions (withdrawals), Distributions (Withdrawals)
Eligible employee, Eligible employee.
Excludable employees, Excludable employees.
Compensation, Compensation.
Contributions, Contribution Limits
Deductions, Nonelective contributions.
Distributions (withdrawals), Distributions (Withdrawals)
Employee election period, Election period.
Employer matching contributions, Employer matching contributions.
Excludable employees, Excludable employees.
Notification requirements, Notification Requirement
When to deduct contributions, When To Deduct Contributions
SIMPLE plans:, Who Can Set Up a SIMPLE IRA Plan?, Reporting on Form W-2.
SIMPLE 401(k), SIMPLE 401(k) Plan
Simplified employee pension (SEP):, Salary Reduction Simplified Employee Pension (SARSEP)
Salary reduction arrangement
Compensation of self-employed individuals, Compensation of self-employed individuals.
Employee compensation, Employee compensation.
Who can have a SARSEP, Who can have a SARSEP?
SEP-IRA contributions, How Much Can I Contribute?
Setting up a SEP, Setting Up a SEP
Sixty-day employee election period, Election period.
Sole proprietor, Sole proprietor.
Suggestions for publication, Comments and suggestions.


Tax help, 6. How To Get Tax Help
Taxpayer Advocate, Contacting your Taxpayer Advocate.
TTY/TDD information, 6. How To Get Tax Help


User fee, User fee.

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