Pub. 596, Earned Income Credit (EIC) |
2004 Tax Year |
This is archived information that pertains only to the 2004 Tax Year. If you are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.
- Adopted child, Adopted child.
- Adoption taxpayer identification number (ATIN), Residency Test
- Advance EIC, Reporting advance payments of EIC received in 2004., Chapter 6. Advance Payment of EIC in 2005
- Age test (see Qualifying child)
- Alaska Permanent Fund dividends, Worksheet 1: Investment Income If You Are Filing Form 1040, Filled-in Worksheet 1 for Steve and Linda Green Worksheet 1: Investment Income If You Are Filing Form 1040
- Alimony, Income That Is Not Earned Income
- Annuities, Income That Is Not Earned Income
- Armed forces, Nontaxable military pay., Extended active duty., Military personnel stationed outside the United States.
- Assistance (see Tax help)
- Child support, Income That Is Not Earned Income
- Child:
- Birth or death of, Birth or death of child.
- Foster child, Relationship Test, Eligible foster child., You Cannot Be a Qualifying Child of Another Person, You Cannot Be a Qualifying Child of Another Person
- Married child, Married child.
- Clergy, Clergy.
- Combat zone pay, Nontaxable military pay.
- Comments on publication, Comments and suggestions.
- Community property, Community property., Community property.
- Figuring:
- EIC yourself, Chapter 4. Figuring and Claiming the EIC, How To Figure the EIC Yourself
- Filing status:
- Head of household, Spouse did not live with you.
- Married filing a joint return, You Must Be a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien All Year
- Forms:
- 1040, Worksheet 1: Investment Income If You Are Filing Form 1040, Filled-in Worksheet 1 for Steve and Linda Green Worksheet 1: Investment Income If You Are Filing Form 1040
- 1040X, Filing deadline approaching and still no SSN.
- 2555, You Cannot File Form 2555 or Form 2555-EZ
- 2555-EZ, You Cannot File Form 2555 or Form 2555-EZ
- 4029, Approved Form 4361 or Form 4029
- 4361, Approved Form 4361 or Form 4029
- 4797, Worksheet 1: Investment Income If You Are Filing Form 1040, Filled-in Worksheet 1 for Steve and Linda Green Worksheet 1: Investment Income If You Are Filing Form 1040
- 4868, Filing deadline approaching and still no SSN.
- 8836, Form 8836.
- 8862, Chapter 5. Disallowance of the EIC, Omission of Form 8862.
- W-5, Complete Form W-5 and Give It to Your Employer, Frequently Asked Questions About Form W-5
- Foster care payments, Income That Is Not Earned Income
- Foster child, Relationship Test, Eligible foster child., You Cannot Be a Qualifying Child of Another Person, You Cannot Be a Qualifying Child of Another Person
- Fraud, Are You Prohibited From Claiming the EIC for a Period of Years?
- Free tax services, How To Get Tax Help
- Qualifying child:
- Age test, Your Child Must Meet the Relationship, Age, and Residency Tests, Age Test
- Home, United States.
- Of another person, You Cannot Be a Qualifying Child of Another Person
- Permanently and totally disabled, Permanently and totally disabled.
- Relationship test, Your Child Must Meet the Relationship, Age, and Residency Tests, Relationship Test
- Residency test, Your Child Must Meet the Relationship, Age, and Residency Tests, Residency Test
- United States, United States.
- Salaries, wages, and tips, Wages, salaries, and tips.
- Schedules:
- C or C-EZ, Statutory employee.
- E, Worksheet 1: Investment Income If You Are Filing Form 1040, Filled-in Worksheet 1 for Steve and Linda Green Worksheet 1: Investment Income If You Are Filing Form 1040
- EIC, Schedule EIC,
- SE, When to use the optional methods of figuring net earnings.
- School, School defined.
- Self-employed persons, EIC Worksheet B.
- Self-employment income, Net earnings from self-employment.
- Self-employment tax, Net earnings from self-employment $400 or more.
- Social security benefits, Income That Is Not Earned Income
- Social security number (SSN), Valid SSN., Residency Test
- Statutory employee, Statutory employee., Statutory employees.
- Strike benefits, Strike benefits.
- Student, Full-time student.
- Suggestions for publication, Comments and suggestions.
- Tax help, How To Get Tax Help
- Taxpayer Advocate, Contacting your Taxpayer Advocate.
- Taxpayer identification number:
- Adoption taxpayer identification number (ATIN), Residency Test
- Individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN), Other taxpayer identification number., Residency Test
- Social security number (SSN), Valid SSN., Residency Test
- Tips, wages, and salaries, Wages, salaries, and tips.
- TTY/TDD information, How To Get Tax Help
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