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Pub. 936, Home Mortgage Interest Deduction 2004 Tax Year


This is archived information that pertains only to the 2004 Tax Year. If you
are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.


Acquisition debt, Fully deductible interest., Home Acquisition Debt, Part of home not a qualified home.
Alimony, Divorced or separated individuals.
Points, General rule.
Appraisal fees, Amounts charged for services.
Armed forces:
Housing allowance, Ministers' and military housing allowance.
Assistance (see Tax help)
Average mortgage balance, Average Mortgage Balance


More than one, More than one borrower.
Seller-paid points, treatment by buyer, Treatment by buyer.
Average mortgage balance, total amount of interest otherwise allowable to each activity, Line 13
Mortgage proceeds used for, Mortgage proceeds used for business or investment.


Date of mortgage, Date of the mortgage.
Choice to treat as not secured by home, Choice to treat the debt as not secured by your home.
Grandfathered, Fully deductible interest., Grandfathered Debt, Line-of-credit mortgage.
Home acquisition, Fully deductible interest., Home Acquisition Debt
Home equity, Fully deductible interest., Home Equity Debt
Home equity only (Table 1), Home equity debt only.
Not secured by home, Debt not secured by home.
Secured, Secured Debt
Mortgage interest (see Mortgage interest)
Home office, Office in home.
Itemized deductions, Reminders
Points, General rule., Claiming your deductible points.
Deed preparation costs, Amounts charged for services.
Divorced taxpayers, Divorced or separated individuals., Acquiring an interest in a home because of a divorce.


Equity debt, Fully deductible interest., Home Equity Debt, Fair market value (FMV).
Equity debt:
Equity debt only (Table 1), Home equity debt only.


Fair market value (FMV), Fair market value (FMV).
Points (see Points)
Appraisal, Amounts charged for services.
Notaries, Amounts charged for services.
VA funding, Amounts charged for services.
Figures (see Tables and figures)
Form 1040, Schedule A, Part I. Home Mortgage Interest, How To Report,
Form 1040, Schedule C or C-EZ,
Form 1040, Schedule E,
Form 1040, Schedule F,
Form 1098:
Mortgage interest, Form 1098., Mortgage Interest Statement, How To Report, Form 1098.
Form 8396:
Mortgage interest credit, Mortgage interest credit.
Free tax services, How To Get Tax Help


Help (see Tax help)
Mortgage interest (see Mortgage interest)
Home mortgage interest (see Mortgage interest)
Acquisition debt, Fully deductible interest., Home Acquisition Debt
Construction, Home under construction.
Cost of, Cost of home or improvements.
Destroyed, Home destroyed.
Divided use, Divided use of your home., Part of home not a qualified home., Part of home not a qualified home.
Equity debt, Fully deductible interest., Home Equity Debt
Equity debt only (Table 1), Home equity debt only.
Fair market value, Fair market value (FMV).
Grandfathered debt, Fully deductible interest., Grandfathered Debt, Line-of-credit mortgage.
Improvement loan, points, Home improvement loan.
Main, Main home.
Office in, Office in home.
Qualified, Qualified Home
Renting out part of, Renting out part of home.
Sale of, Sale of home.
Second, Second home.
Time-sharing arrangements, Time-sharing arrangements.
Housing allowance:
Ministers and military, Ministers' and military housing allowance.


Cost of, Cost of home or improvements.
Home acquisition debt, Mortgage treated as used to buy, build, or improve home.
Points, Home improvement loan.
Substantial, Substantial improvement.
Mortgage insurance premiums, Amounts charged for services.
Interest:, Part I. Home Mortgage Interest
(see also Mortgage interest)
Interest rate method, Interest paid divided by interest rate method.
Personal interest, Reminders
Refunded, Refunds of interest., Refunded interest.
Where to deduct,
Average mortgage balance and total amount of interest allowable, Line 13
Mortgage proceeds used for, Mortgage proceeds invested in tax-exempt securities., Mortgage proceeds used for business or investment.
Itemized deductions:
Limits, Reminders


Joint returns, Married taxpayers.


Lender mortgage statements, Statements provided by your lender.
Cooperative housing, mortgage interest deduction, Limits on deduction.
Deductibility of points, Limits on deduction.
Home acquisition debt, Home acquisition debt limit.
Home equity debt, Home equity debt limit.
Home mortgage interest deduction, Part II. Limits on Home Mortgage Interest Deduction
Itemized deductions, Reminders
Qualified loan limit, , Average Mortgage Balance
Line-of-credit mortgage, Line-of-credit mortgage.
Loans:, Mortgage proceeds used for business or investment., Mortgage treated as used to buy, build, or improve home.
(see also Mortgages)
Home improvement, points, Home improvement loan.
Qualified loan limit,


Main home, Main home.
Married taxpayers, Married taxpayers.
Military housing allowance, Ministers' and military housing allowance.
Ministers' housing allowance, Ministers' and military housing allowance.
Missing children, photographs of, Reminders
Mixed-use mortgages, Mixed-use mortgages.
More information (see Tax help)
Mortgage interest, Part I. Home Mortgage Interest
Mortgage interest:
Cooperative housing, Figuring deductible home mortgage interest.
Credit, Mortgage interest credit.
Fully deductible interest, Fully deductible interest.
Home mortgage interest, Part I. Home Mortgage Interest
How to report, How To Report
Late payment charges, Late payment charge on mortgage payment.
Limits on deduction, Part II. Limits on Home Mortgage Interest Deduction
Ministers' and military housing allowance, Ministers' and military housing allowance.
Prepaid interest, Prepaid interest., Prepaid interest on Form 1098.
Prepayment penalty, Mortgage prepayment penalty.
Refunds, Refunds of interest., Refunded interest.
Sale of home, Sale of home.
Special situations, Special Situations
Statement, Mortgage Interest Statement
Where to deduct,
Worksheet to figure (Table 1),
Assistance payments, Mortgage assistance payments.
Average balance, Average Mortgage Balance
Date of, Date of the mortgage.
Ending early, Mortgage ending early.
Insurance premiums, Amounts charged for services.
Late qualifying, Mortgage that qualifies later.
Line-of-credit, Line-of-credit mortgage.
Mixed-use, Mixed-use mortgages.
Preparation costs for note or deed of trust, Amounts charged for services.
Proceeds invested in tax-exempt securities, Mortgage proceeds invested in tax-exempt securities.
Proceeds used for business, Mortgage proceeds used for business or investment.
Proceeds used for investment, Mortgage proceeds used for business or investment.
Qualified loan limit, , Average Mortgage Balance
Refinanced, Refinancing., Refinanced home acquisition debt., Refinanced grandfathered debt.
Statements provided by lender, Statements provided by your lender.
To buy, build, or improve, Mortgage treated as used to buy, build, or improve home.
Wraparound, Wraparound mortgage.


Nonredeemable ground rent, Nonredeemable ground rent.
Notary fees, Amounts charged for services.


Office in home, Office in home.


Mortgage prepayment, Mortgage prepayment penalty.
Personal interest, Reminders
Points, Points, Form 1098.
Claiming deductible, Claiming your deductible points.
Exception to general rule, Deduction allowed in year paid.
Excess, Excess points.
Funds provided less than, Funds provided are less than points.
General rule, General rule.
Home improvement loans, Home improvement loan.
Second home, Points
Seller paid, Points paid by the seller.
Prepaid interest, Prepaid interest., Prepaid interest on Form 1098.
Prepayment penalties, Mortgage prepayment penalty.
Publications (see Tax help)


Qualified homes, Qualified Home
Qualified loan limit:
Average mortgage balance, Average Mortgage Balance
Worksheet to figure (Table 1),


Redeemable ground rents, Redeemable ground rents.
Refinancing, Refinancing.
Grandfathered debt, Refinanced grandfathered debt.
Home acquisition debt, Refinanced home acquisition debt.
Mortgage interest, Refunds of interest., Refunded interest.
Nonredeemable ground rent, Nonredeemable ground rent.
Redeemable ground rents, Redeemable ground rents.
Rental payments, Rental payments.
Renting of home:
Part of, Renting out part of home.
Time-sharing arrangements, Rental of time-share.
Repairs, Substantial improvement.


Sale of home, Sale of home.
Second home, Second home., Points
Secured debt, Secured Debt
Seller-paid points, Points paid by the seller.
Separate returns, Separate returns.
Separated taxpayers, Divorced or separated individuals.
Spouses, Married taxpayers.
Statements provided by lender, Statements provided by your lender.
Cooperative housing, Stock used to secure debt.
Suggestions for publication, Comments and suggestions.


Tables and figures:
Deductible home mortgage interest:
Fully deductible, determination of (Figure A), Fully deductible interest.
How to figure (Table 1),
Mortgage to buy, build, or improve home (Figure C), Mortgage treated as used to buy, build, or improve home.
Points (Figure B), Points
Qualified loan limit worksheet (Table 1),
Tax credits:
Mortgage interest, Mortgage interest credit.
Tax help, How To Get Tax Help
Tax-exempt securities:
Mortgage proceeds invested in, Mortgage proceeds invested in tax-exempt securities.
Taxpayer Advocate, Contacting your Taxpayer Advocate.
Time-sharing arrangements, Time-sharing arrangements.
TTY/TDD information, How To Get Tax Help


VA funding fees, Amounts charged for services.
Fair market value, Fair market value (FMV).


Deductible home mortgage interest,
Qualified loan limit,
Wraparound mortgages, Wraparound mortgage.

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