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2004 Tax Year

3.4 Interest, Investment, Money Transactions (Alimony, Bad Debts, Applicable Federal Interest Rate, Gambling, Legal Fees, Loans, etc.)

This is archived information that pertains only to the 2004 Tax Year. If you
are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.

Is the interest amount that we paid to the IRS deductible?

Interest and penalties paid to the IRS on Federal taxes are not deductible. For more information, refer to Items You Cannot Deduct in Chapter 25, Interest Expense, in Publication 17, Your Federal Income Tax for Individuals; and Tax Topic 505, Interest Expense.

Can I deduct alimony paid to my former spouse?

If you are divorced or separated, you may be able to deduct the alimony or separate maintenance payments that you are required to make to your spouse or former spouse, or on behalf of that spouse. For additional information, refer to Tax Topic 452, Alimony Paid (this topic covers alimony under decrees or agreements after 1984); and Publication 504, Divorced or Separated Individuals .

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