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Form RRB-1099-R Annuities or Pensions by the Railroad Retirement Board 2005. Summary: This is an example of Form RRB-1099-R (2005) with these line items to be completed by the railroad retirement board with information regarding annuity and pension payments:

1. Claim number and Payee Code” field
2. Recipient's Identification Number” field
Recipient's Name, Street Address, City, State, and ZIP Code” field
3. Employee Contributions” field
4. Contributory Amount Paid” field
5. Vested Dual Benefit” field
6. Supplemental Annuity” field
7. Total Gross Paid” field
8. Repayments” field
9. Federal Income Tax Withheld” field
10. Rate of Tax” field
11. Country” field
12. Medicare Premium Total” field