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Worksheet B--Earned Income Credit (E.I.C.)--Lines 66a and 66b. Summary: This is an example of a Worksheet B used to determine the earned income credit as pertains to the text. The line items completed are:

Under “Part 1: Self-Employed, Members of the Clergy, and People With Church Employee Income Filing Schedule SE.”:
1b. Enter any amount from Schedule SE., Section B, line 4b, and line 5a.” field contains 1,600
1c. Combine lines 1a and 1b.” field contains 1,600
1d. Enter the amount from Schedule SE., Section A, line 6, or Section B, line 13, whichever applies.” field contains 122
1e. Subtract line 1d from line 1c.” field contains 1,478
Under “Part 4: All Filers Using Worksheet B”:
4a. Enter your earned income from Step 5 on page 47.” field contains 15,000
4b. Combine lines 1e, 2c, 3, and 4a. This is your total earned income.” field contains 16,478