Tax Preparation Help  
Pub. 583, Starting a Business and Keeping Records 2006 Tax Year

This is archived information that pertains only to the 2006 Tax Year. If you
are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.

4. Employee Compensation Record, 5. Annual Summary, and 6. Depreciation Worksheet. Summary: These are examples of the recordkeeping that was done as pertains to the sample in the text. They contain the following information:4. Employee Compensation Record. 

Name: John E. Marks
Address: 1 Elm Street, Anytown, New Jersey 07101
Phone: 555-6075
Part Time checkbox checked
Social Security Number: 567-00-8901
Date of Birth: 12-21-65
Number of Exemptions: 1/single
Pay Period Ending Date Paid S M T W T F S M T W T F S Total Regular Hours Overtime Regular Rate Overtime Rate Total Social Security Medicare Federal Income Tax State Income Tax Net Pay
1-1 1-4   5   5 5 5   5   5 4 6   40   $6.50   $260.00 $16.12 $3.77 $20.00 $6.00 $214.11
1-15 1-18   4 4 4 4 4 2 4 3 4 4 3   40   $6.50   $260.00 $16.12 $3.77 $20.00 $6.00 $214.11
                              80       $520.00 $32.24 $7.54 $40.00 $12.00 $428.22
      QUARTERLY TOTALS     $1,262.40 $78.23 $18.31 $100.00 $30.00 $1,035.86                          

5. Annual Summary. 

Month Cash Receipts Materials/ Supplies Gross Payroll F.I.C.A. Taxes Bank Charges Electric Interest Insurance Rent Telephones Truck/ Auto Advertising Office Expenses Taxes/ Licenses Miscellaneous
January $4,865.05 $1,083.50 $520.00 $39.78 $10.00 $175.30 $18.09   $300.00 $27.00 $45.00 $85.00 $36.00 $100.00 $2.00
February $3,478.32 874.93 235.40 17.68 7.50 153.10 18.09 210.00 300.00 21.50 28.50        
March 3,942.00 724.90 507.00 38.08 11.25 145.81 18.09   300.00 32.10 51.30        
December 3,656.52 609.23 520.00 39.78 10.00 169.00 18.09   300.00 23.13 37.62   4.00   71.91
TOTALS $47,440.95 $10,001.00 $5,434.00 $408.09 $92.30 $1,642.37 $217.08 $420.00 $3,600.00 $324.09 $571.46 $85.00 $40.00 $218.00 $344.00

6. Depreciation Worksheet. 

Description of Property Date Placed in Service Cost or Other Basis Business/ Investment Use % Section 179 Deduction and Special Allowance Depreciation Prior Years Basis for Depreciation Method/ Convention Recovery Period Rate or Table % Depreciation Deduction
Used Equipment--Transmission Jack 1-3 3,000 100%     3,000 200 D.B./H.Y. 7 14.29% $429
Used Pickup Truck 1-3 8,000 100%     8,000 200 D.B/H.Y. 5 20% 1,600
Used Heavy Duty Tow Truck 1-3 30,000 100%     30,000 200 D.B./H.Y. 5 20% 6,000
Used Equipment--Engine Hoist 1-3 4,000 100%     4,000 200 D.B./H.Y. 7 14.29% 572

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