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Instructions for Form 1040 Schedule H 2006 Tax Year

This is archived information that pertains only to the 2006 Tax Year. If you
are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.

Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement and Form W-3 Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements (2006). Summary: These are examples of Forms W-2 and W-3 (2005) as pertains to the text. The line items completed per form are:Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement (2005). 

b. Employer identification number” field contains 00-1234567
c. Employer's name, address, and ZIP code” field contains
Susan Green
16 Gray Street
Anyplace, California 92665
d. Employee's social security number” field contains 000-00-4567
e. Employee's first name and initial” field contains Helen R.
Last name” field contains Maple
f. Employee's address and ZIP code” field contains
19 Pine Avenue
Anycity, California 92666
1. Wages, tips, other compensation” field contains 2475.95
3. Social security wages” field contains 2300.00
4. Social security tax withheld” field contains 142.60
5. Medicare wages and tips” field contains 2300.00
6. Medicare tax withheld” field contains 33.35

Form W-3 Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements (2005). 

b. Kind of Payer: Household employee” checkbox checked
c. Total number of Forms W-2” field contains 1
e. Employer identification number” field contains 00-1234567
f. Employer's name” field contains Susan Green
g. Employer's address and ZIP code” field contains
16 Gray Street
Anyplace, California 92665
1. Wages, tips, other compensation” field contains 2475.95
3. Social security wages” field contains 2300.00
4. Social security tax withheld” field contains 142.60
5. Medicare wages and tips” field contains 2300.00
6. Medicare tax withheld” field contains 33.35
Contact person” field contains Susan Green
Telephone number” field contains (123) 456-7890
Under declaration statement:
Signature” field contains Susan Green
Date” field contains 1/30/06

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