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Instructions for Form 706 2006 Tax Year

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Worksheet for Schedule Q--Credit for Tax on Prior Transfers. Summary: This is an example of a Schedule Q which must be completed and filed if you claim a credit on line 14 of Part 2, Tax Computation of Form 706.Part I: Transferor's tax on prior transfers. 

Table Part I is a table to help figure transferor's tax on prior transfers.. 

Item Transferor (From Schedule Q) A Transferor (From Schedule Q) B Transferor (From Schedule Q) C Total for all transfers (line 8 only)
1. Gross value of prior transfer to this transferee (text field) (text field) (text field) (shaded area)
2. Death taxes payable from prior transfer (text field) (text field) (text field) (shaded area)
3. Encumbrances allocable to prior transfer (text field) (text field) (text field) (shaded area)
4. Obligations allocable to prior transfer (text field) (text field) (text field) (shaded area)
5. Marital deduction applicable to line 1 above, as shown on transferor's Form 706 (text field) (text field) (text field) (shaded area)
6. TOTAL. Add lines 2, 3, 4, and 5 (text field) (text field) (text field) (shaded area)
7. Net value of transfers. Subtract line 6 from line 1 (text field) (text field) (text field) (shaded area)
8. Net value of transfers. Add columns A, B, and C of line 7 (text field) (text field) (text field) (text field)
9. Transferor's taxable estate (text field) (text field) (text field) (shaded area)
10. Federal estate tax paid (text field) (text field) (text field) (shaded area)
11. State death taxes paid (text field) (text field) (text field) (shaded area)
12. Foreign death taxes paid (text field) (text field) (text field) (shaded area)
13. Other death taxes paid (text field) (text field) (text field) (shaded area)
14. TOTAL taxes paid. Add lines 10, 11, 12, and 13 (text field) (text field) (text field) (shaded area)
15. Value of transferor's estate. Subtract line 14 from line 9 (text field) (text field) (text field) (shaded area)
16. Net Federal estate tax paid on transferor's estate (text field) (text field) (text field) (shaded area)
17. Credit for gift tax paid on transferor's estate with respect to pre-1977 gifts (section 2012) (text field) (text field) (text field) (shaded area)
18. Credit allowed transferor's estate for tax on prior transfers from prior transferor(s) who died within 10 years before death of decedent (text field) (text field) (text field) (shaded area)
19. Tax on transferor's estate. Add lines 16, 17, and 18 (text field) (text field) (text field) (shaded area)
20. Transferor's tax on prior transfers ((line 7 divided by line 15) times line 19 of respective estates) (text field) (text field) (text field) (shaded area)

Part II: Transferee's tax on prior transfers. 

21. Transferee's actual tax before allowance of credit for prior transfers. (see instructions)” field
22. Total gross estate of transferee from line 1 of the Tax Computation, page 1, Form 706” field
23. Net value of all transfers from line 8 of this worksheet” field
24. Transferee's reduced gross estate. Subtract line 23 from line 22” field
25. Total debts and deductions (not including marital and charitable deductions) (line 3b of Part 2—Tax Computation, page 1 and items 17, 18, and 19 of the Recapitulation, page 3, Form 706)” field
26. Marital deduction from item 20, Recapitulation, page 3, Form 706 (see instructions)” field
27. Charitable bequests from item 21, Recapitulation, page 3, Form 706” field
28. Charitable deduction proportion ([line 23 divided by (line 22 minus line 25)] times line 27)” field
29. Reduced charitable deduction. Subtract line 28 from line 27” field
30. Transferee's deduction as adjusted. Add lines 25, 26, and 29” field
31(a) Transferee's reduced taxable estate. Subtract line 30 from line 24” field
31(b) Adjusted taxable gifts” field
31(c) Total reduced taxable estate. Add lines 31(a) and 31(b)” field
32. Tentative tax on reduced taxable estate” field
33(a) Post-1976 gift taxes paid” field
33(b) Unified credit (applicable credit amount)” field
33(c) Section 2012 gift tax credit” field
33(d) Section 2014 foreign death tax credit” field
33(e) Total credits. Add lines 33(a) through 33 (d)” field
34. Net tax on reduced taxable estate. Subtract line 33(e) from line 32” field
35. Transferee's tax on prior transfers. Subtract line 34 from line 21” field

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