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Frequently Asked Questions About Refund Checks

The IRS uses the term "Advance Payment" for "Refund Check"

Why is IRS giving out these special payments?
We are administering the new tax law recently signed by President Bush, which provides for these advance payment checks to be sent to taxpayers.

What do I need to do to get this advance payment?
You don't have to do a thing. The payments are automatic. You will receive a letter telling you if you are eligible, how much to expect, and when you will receive the check.

Who gets the advance payments?
In general, if you paid taxes for 2000, you may be eligible for this advance payment of the 2001 credit. Those who did not pay income taxes, could be claimed as dependents on someone else's return, and nonresident aliens are not eligible for this payment.

If I'm eligible, how much is my advance payment?
The amount of your payment is based on the taxable income shown on your 2000 return. The amount is 5% of your taxable income up to a maximum of $300 for a single taxpayer, $500 for head of household and $600 for a married couple filing jointly. If your tax liability after nonrefundable credits is less than these maximum amounts, your limit is the smaller of this amount or 5% of your taxable income. If you did not have a tax liability for 2000 but do have one for 2001, you may be able to claim the tax credit on your 2001 return.

How do I know what my taxable income and tax liability were?
How do I know what my taxable income and tax liability were? The easiest way to find your 2000 taxable income is to look at Form 1040 line 39, 1040A line 25 , 1040EZ line 6, or line K on the TeleFile Tax Record. The tax liability used in figuring the advance payment is on Form 1040 line 51, 1040A line 33, 1040EZ line 10, or line K on the TeleFi le Tax Record. If you did not have a tax liability on this line of your 2000 return, you are n ot eligible for the advance payment.

How do I know if I'm getting an advance payment check?
IRS will send you a letter in advance of the payment explaining the amount, when to expect your advance payment check and the possibility that the amount will be applied to other debts. These letters will begin going out the first week of July. You should keep this letter with your other tax records for 2001.

What is the purpose of these 2001 Advance Payments?
The law is intended to give taxpayers the benefit of a new 10% tax bracket had it been in place for 2001.

When will I get my advance payment check?
Because of the millions of taxpayers involved, it will take about 10 weeks for Treasury's Financial Management Services to finish mailing checks to those taxpayers who have already filed their 2000 tax returns. Financial Management Services will mail several million checks each week beginning in late July. Checks will be distributed according to the last two digits of the Taxpayer Identification Number (generally, the Social Security number) with the last checks for returns filed this April to be mailed the week of September 24. See the attached distribution schedule.

Is this payment taxable income?
This amount will not be included in income on your Federal tax return. Requirements for your state return may be different.

If I owe back taxes, will I still get the advance payment?
The amount of your advance payment will be applied first to any Federal income tax you owe. If the amount is larger than the debt, you will get a check for the difference. If the full amount is applied to the taxes, you will not receive a check.

If I have an installment agreement with the IRS, will I still get the advance payment?
The advance payment will be applied to the balance due. You should still make your regular, required monthly payment. The advance payment only reduces the total amount you owe; it does not change the terms of your installment agreement.

I don't owe any back taxes but I received a notice that told me I would not be getting a check because my advance payment is being used to pay off a debt I owe. How does that work?
Your payment may be reduced because of an outstanding government debt such as certain past-due child support. If the amount is larger than the debt, you will get a check for the difference. If the full amount is applied to the debt, you will not receive a check.

I haven't filed my 2000 tax return yet. Will I still get this advance payment?
Since the amount is based on the taxable income reported on your return, you won't receive the advance payment until your 2000 tax return is filed. If you have an approved extension to file, you should file by the extended due date in order to receive your advance payment by the end of the year. Treasury will continue to send checks out through the end of December so the sooner you file your return, the sooner you will receive your advance payment.

I filed a 2000 tax return but had no taxable income. Will I still get the advance payment?
To be eligible for this advance payment, there must be taxable income reported on your income tax return. The easiest way to find out your taxable income is to look at Form 1040 line 39, 1040A line 25, 1040EZ line 6, or line K on the TeleFile Tax Record.

I am a college student, with a part-time job, and paid income taxes, but my parents still claim me on their tax return. Do I get the advance payment?
If you can be claimed as a dependent on someone else's return in 2000, you will not be eligible for the advance payment.

Can my advance payment be directly deposited into my bank account?
Unfortunately, direct deposit is not possible because the account information used during the filing season may no longer be accurate. For example, for thousands of taxpayers who obtained refund anticipation loans, the accounts they designated on their returns are generally closed after the loans are paid off.

If my spouse and I filed our tax return together, married filing jointly, whose name will be on the check?
The name(s) on the check will be the same as the name(s) on the 2000 tax return.

What happens if I've moved since I filed my 2000 tax return?
Will my advance payment check find me? If you have not already sent the address change information to IRS and/or the Postal Service, do that immediately. Before sending out any checks we will update our records with current address information provided by the Postal Service. If you have provided the Postal Service with change of address information, your check will find its way to you.

Where can I find more information on these advance payments?
Be on the lookout for the advance notice from IRS telling you whether or not to expect a payment. General information will also be available on the 2001 Advance Credit Information Page and automated telephone messages are available at 800-829-1040.

How long should I wait for my advance payment before checking on it?
The last checks for those who filed by April will be mailed the week of September 24, 2001. If you have not received a check by the following Friday, October 5, you may call 800-829-1040. We cannot follow-up before that date. For those who filed later, Treasury will continue to send out checks until late December.

I filed my 2000 return as married filing joint but will not be filing as joint for 2001. How will I handle this advance payment on my 2001 return?
This advance payment is considered as being given equally to each taxpayer on a joint return. For example, if you filed jointly for 2000 and received an advance payment of $600, you would each consider that you had received a $300 advance payment when doing your 2001 return.

Check Distribution Schedule

Week If the last 2 digits of your SSN are between: You should receive your check the week of:
1 00 - 09 July 23
2 10 - 19 July 30
3 20 - 29 August 6
4 30 - 39 August 13
5 40 - 49 August 20
6 50 - 59 August 27
7 60 - 69 September 3
8 70 - 79 September 10
9 80 - 89 September 17
10 90 - 99 September 24

For married taxpayers who filed a joint return, the first Social Security number on the return determines the mailing date for the advance payment.

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