WASHINGTON -- The following is the statement of Senate Finance Committee
Chairman William V. Roth, Jr. (R-DE):
"The hearings which will take place in the Finance Committee
this week will explore some very serious problems at the Internal Revenue
Service. These hearings are not about partisan politics; they are about
good government.
"Our hearings will cover a number of issues.
"Over the next four days, our hearings will focus on different
treatment between high-level executives and other employees within the
service -- how they are treated differently even when they have committed
the same offense. Such inequities, for the benefit of executive level employees,
send a terrible message to the average workers, and it destroys morale
throughout the agency.
"We will focus on a number of serious issues which weigh heavily
on the integrity of the IRS. We will hear how investigative techniques
to deal with violent and dangerous criminals are used against taxpayers
who are neither violent nor dangerous. We will hear from taxpayers who
have experienced armed raids of their homes and businesses. Raids that
were conducted on the flimsiest of evidence, which later proved to be unwarranted
and the taxpayers exonerated of any wrongdoing. On this issue, I am pleased
that our investigation has already prompted action from the IRS toward
improving the Criminal Investigations Division.
"We will examine the sensitive issue of racism and discrimination,
an issue that has come up from the moment we first started our oversight.
"We will hear that the IRS internal oversight is so bad that the agency
is unable to track what its employees are doing.
"We will also examine major compliance allegations.
"These are serious issues, not partisan politics. When we find evidence
of this kind of wrongdoing, it is our obligation to bring it to light.
That is our intention, beginning Tuesday."
A partial witness list for Tuesday's hearing as well as summaries of some
of the Tuesday witness's testimony will be available on the Finance Committee
WEB site at 7 pm Monday night.