Official IRS Documents from Internal Revenue Bulletins
Internal Revenue Bulletins (IRBs) - Are the official publications released weekly by the IRS which contain all the "official" documents that govern our tax system. These documents are released in different formats, and carry titles such as "Revenue Rulings", "Revenue Procedures", "Regulations", "Announcements", "Treasury Decisions", "Notices", etc.
This section can be researched in several ways:
- You can read summaries of those documents from the IRB cover pages. Beginning in 1996, these summaries are linked to the actual documents.
- You can search by the type of document, such as Revenue Ruling, Revenue Procedure, etc. All documents are included since 1996 with additional summaries going back to 1989.
- You can search using our on-site search engine which searches inside PDF files. Use the Search box at the bottom of the page.
Definition of Terms Used in Official IRS Documents
Guide to Understanding the Differences Among Official IRS Documents
Weekly Internal Revenue Bulletins
For years beginning in 1996, the IRBs include links to the full text of those documents in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
For years 1989 thru 1995, the IRBs include document summaries only.
There are NO documents for these years.
Research by Type of Document, such as Rev. Rul., Rev. Proc., etc.
There is a separate page for each type of document issued by the IRS.
For each year you will find links to specific listings for documents
such as Revenue Rulings, Revenue Procedures, Announcements, Notices,
Treasury Decisions, Regulations, Court Decisions, etc. Each type of
document lists summaries for each document with links to those documents.
Use this section if you know what year the document was issued.
You can either: (1) Search all IRS Bulletin Documents issued since January 1996, or (2) Search the entire site. For a more focused search, put your search words in quotes:
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